You defend JS?
Does a the POPE swing smoke & Eat Jesus cookies?

Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
He defends J.Smith for years

DAVEH:   As Ronnie Reagan used to put it.......There you go again Dean!  Do you really remember me defending JS?

DAVEH:   That's a curious comment, Izzy.  Dean made a false accusation about me, and you seem to want to blame me.....!   Like I've taught me a lot.

ShieldsFamily wrote:
Dean, when will you learn that trying to reason with DaveH is like trying to nail jello to the wall? He just slithers sideways. iz
cd: I know but I'm tired of him talking out of both sides of his mouth.He defends J.Smith for years and now he think Smith was wrong-I believe he is giving the Liberals on this site a morsel so that they will fight for him.

He said there was a Hell and you disagree which is calling Jesus a liar and God a liar.

DAVEH:   Hmmmmmmm........are we back to that, Dean?  When did I ever say there was not a hell?  If you cannot produce a specific quote where I said such, then I respectfully ask you to withdraw this false charge.
cd: Are we back to that again-I proved you wrong on the last five time you asked this will you not learn? Remember we had a debate and I used a dictionary tol silence you because you said that Hell was a parable-and I showed you in the dictionary that a parable adds to the explanation of the object not takes from it- We were debating the rich man who lifted his eyes up from hell-=and the parable explained it was hot and the rich man was in torment in the flames-and there was no water there to cool his tongue-and the great void that no man could cross.

Dean Moore wrote:
DAVEH:   Just me Dean, or do you understand that you will be judged as well?
cd: Yes and that is why I try to live by the words of the Bible-do you? O-You don't believe the words of Christ-He said there was a Hell and you disagree which is calling Jesus a liar and God a liar. Well we will see whom the liar is on that Day -you or Christ.

--   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  Dave Hansen  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  If you wish to receive  things I find interesting,  I
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