The cults love it what does that say about it?
Not even the RCC believes this one!
UFO Cults love it  Besides thay R 'gods' like LDS
There can be no doubt that the incredible realities of the gospel Jesus brought to mankind are the same treasures humanity has desperately searched for throughout its existence. Scripture absolutely confirms that this great gospel is that humans were created in the image of the Gods, to become gods, with all the characteristics of those Gods and full conversion into that divine race. The highest goal to which a human can aspire is to become an immortal, wise, all-powerful being with complete dedication to a perfect universal force. This, we believe, is the ultimate and true destiny of humanity. We also believe this is the gospel defined in the Greek as "a good message" that Jesus preached, and every word in the Bible leads to. What better "good message" could he bring? While the church will no doubt scream blasphemy and heresy from the rooftops, the biblical realty stands firm in its most important and relevant declaration to the entirety of humanity, the greatest message ever to fall on human ears:  I have said, said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High."
The LDS love it
Fallen Angels taking women what a story line!
Occultists love it
Books on Tarot, Witchcraft, Occult, Magick, Qabalah, Gnosticism and more.
"In the Book of Enoch the arcane wisdom is said to have been betrayed to mankind by fallen angels, but a Talmudic tradition claims that God whispered it to Moses on Mount Sinai. According to this tradition its secrets were then imparted to seventy elders who thereafter transmitted them orally to their successors."  David Conway, Ritual Magic
INSPIRED by who?

ShieldsFamily <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
A friend is reading the Book of Enoch from the Apocrypha.  Does anyone know if any of it is inspired, or is it all false teaching? Izzy

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