On Thu, 24 Nov 2005 08:44:51 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Judy,  your belief system is unlike any that I have ever encountered.   You are so quick to critic anything written by those who are on your hit list, yet,  you fellowship a whole church of Calvanists (something you supposedly detest) and have very litle in common with the BSF assembly except attendance.    The uniqueness of your beleif system has God speaking to you differently from anyone else on earth.   And yet you have decided to make a mountain of the mole hill below (the previous post).  
JD you presume too much.  You don't know my belief system so you should be the last to sit in judgment on same. I am not against any ppl especially those who call themselves Calvinists though I see his theology as legalistic and harsh. The Church I attend consists of ppl of all persuasions, Reformed is just what PCA is all about. I also have everything in common with the sisters at BSF and those in every group I've been in for the past four years are close to my heart because contrary to your assumptions what we gather around is the Word of God.
You demand that I answer scripture while ignoring those that I have first  given to you.  Deegan is a master at doing the same thing  --  i,e, the recent "discussion" on the majority text v the minoirity text.  You  resist answering summary questions  (as does Mr Deegan)  because your answers  become a matter of record.  
The scriptures you present JD are usually tortured and taken out of context to suit your own personal beliefs, one example would be your dogmatic stand about 'judgment' using what Paul wrote about ppl who do vs those who don't eat meats.
1.  Greek MSS  -  you think they are unnecessary , after all we have the [inspired] KJ bible.
2.  Anyone (except Judy) who uses scholarship to answer a questions has put scholarship before the word. 
3.  The B-I-B-L-E and the "Word of God"  are exactly the same to the exclusion of all other considerations............... but B-I--B-L-E  only means KJV 
4.  Original sin is a biblical fact  -  only it is a sin to call it original sin. 
5.  God gives "us" the enlightened truth of scripture  -  but when it comes down to the bottom line, only Judy's enlightenment is correct. 
6.  Adam and Eve were spirit beings, their physical existence changed with the eating of the fruit. 
7.  Calvanism is a cursed sin but it is alright for Judy to fellowship a Calvanist church.
8.  The use of bible translations other than the KJ is wrong -  but the teaching fellowship  (BSF) she attends does not agree with her.  
9.  Christ , in the flesh, was only a representative of God.
10.  The scriptures are "inspired" but who knows what the "correct" definition of "inspiration" really is.
11.  "inspiration" and "revelation" are exactly the same thing.  
12.  A single statement of scripture does not count because of the "two or three witness" rule.   Sorry , God,  I do not have to listen until you tell me at least twice.  
13.  The only difference between the old law and the new law is that God now gives us the ability to practice the [new] law  --  that is what is "new" about the new law !!  Forget about the implications of a God who gives a law (the old law) to a people who did not have the ability to practice that law until the new law came along. 
The above is not only malarkey JD but this is exactly how heresy begins.  You have no idea what I've been saying all this time because not one out of the above thirteen items is on the mark.
My comments below (?)  --  they express a resolve (on my part) to no longer consider 'your" scriptures when "you" refuse to deal with the scriptures I have first given you.   
So what has changed?  This is what you've been about all along ....
Deegan gave me a list of questions (12 or so) and then chided me until I decided to answer them.   He made no comment to my answers and , then refused to answer my questions.   You do  exactly the same with scripture constantly.   It is what your side does best   -------------    cut and run when the questions become summary in consequence and referential in content while continuing to make fun of the other side for not playing by your rules.  
I presented the following: 
In terms of judgment,  Kevin, what do yo think was going on in Romans 14?   The brothers are called "weak," are they not?   certainly a judgment of some sort.   So Paul in one breath speaks of the "weak"  (read:wrong) and warns against judging the servant of another.   How do you resolve this problem?   and what did I get in response?    Nothing.  
Another big lie JD.  I responded to the above, a fact you either ignored or your memory is gone. I pointed out to you that "weak and wrong" are not one and the same.  A baby believer is weak but they will get stronger as they feed on God's Word and grow so it is wrong to judge them or to put a stumbling block in their path.  It is also wrong to use this one incident as the text covering ALL judgment for All time.
You cannot deal with such because it would force you to acknowledge more than one definition for "judging" and we can't have that, because we are so darn busy sending the other side to hell for "judging" while we do the very same thing.  
Anyway  --  have a happy thanksgiving to all  --  whether you are eating turkey or crow !! 
-----Original Message-----
From: Judy Taylor <jandgtaylor1@juno.com>
To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
Cc: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
Sent: Thu, 24 Nov 2005 00:53:32 -0500
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Romans 14

JD writes to Dean:
It is what the biblical text says to me that is important (to me.)  If you want to deal with the passages
I gave, above,  I would be interested.   If you want ot pretend that they do not exist or are not important
because you can quote scriptures that say what you perfer  --  well, then we are not going to have a
discussion, are we?  
Hmmm JD, well I guess you got him told.  So it's all about you and it's your way or the
On Wed, 23 Nov 2005 17:27:25 -0800 (PST) Kevin Deegan <openairmission@yahoo.com> writes:
With God all things are POSSIBLE

Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Error and mistake are the same in the dictionary.  Weak and wrong are not.
Where do you get off making up stuff like that JD?  Looks like there is no resolution
for what is wrong with you.
On Wed, 23 Nov 2005 18:06:58 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
In terms of judgment,  Kevin, what do yo think was going on in Romans 14?   The brothers are called "weak," are they not?   certainly a judgment of some sort.   So Paul in one breath speaks of the "weak"  (read:wrong) and warns against judging the servant of another.   How do you resolve this problem?  

He that says "I know Him" and doesn't keep His Commandments
                              is a liar (1 John 2:4)

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