----- Original Message -----
To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
Sent: 11/24/2005 1:55:32 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Romans 1:18-32 and beyond-JD

----- Original Message -----
Sent: 11/24/2005 10:26:10 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Romans 1:18-32 and beyond-JD

Good comments, below.   I have long believed, i.e. Ro 1:18-29, that the most damaging of all realities is the one tied to this statement by God,  "You are on your own." 
cd: On this I can agree as to stand upon ones own is to face a beast of terrible power with no defense-surly this beast would prevail.
Understand, also, that God , although pictured as being actively involved in His departure, is   -  in reality  -  not the "active voice"  in this circumstance.    By that I mean to say that it is not God who has left anyone behind.   It is man who has walked away from God and worshipped the creation rather than the Creator  --  of course. 
cd: But there is an action done by God as shown in v28 ...God gave them over to a reprobate mind-how does this become " not active"?    It is "passive" in  that God did not give them a reprobate mind  -   they got it the old fashioned way  --  they earned it.   God "giving them over to a reprobate mind" does not mean that God did something to them IN ADDITION to what they had done to themselves.  Mine is a theological consideration  (call it a bias if you prefer) to what is pictured in this passage.   "Giving them over to .."  is similar, IMO, to "giving up on  ....."  
cd: Lets try this. Scenario You are on the edge of a cliff holding onto a very lightweight women (ie the smallest and tiniest women ever born-so small in fact you could hold her weight for as long as you wanted to- even for eternity) who has slipped over the edge and you hand is the only thing suspending her  and preventing her from falling into this volcanic quarter (but this is not as other volcanos-it has the fountain of youth leaking into its molten lava and if she fall she will remain young forever in this fiery inferno-burning forever)and you let go. How is this scenario different from God letting those go in Romans go. See my point?
 2 Thess.2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion,that they should believe a lie;12. That they all might be damned.... Is send  passive also?
This last statement is not something i agree with:  But here we see the hand of a just and avenging God; they abused their powers, and God deprived them of the right use of these powers.    If we are going to credit God with an avenging nature,   we must allow for that expressed vengeance to be a product of a broken hearted and disappointed God who is willing  to do anything to avoid this circumstance.   Additionally [and technically]  the text does not say that "God deprived them of the right use of these powers."   Everything that happens to these individuals is of their own doing.   
Do you see my point? 
cd:Respectfully- I see that you created a god of your own imagine that is not the God of the Bible-just as DaH has created a place he calls hell which is not the the hell of the Bible.God has stated" Vengeance belongs to me I will repay". How does you god compare to the God whom destoyies 2/3 of earth population as shown in the book of Revelations? Consider the God Moses met upon the mountain in Exodus 19. This God told the people to purify themselves for three days-and after doing so Moses was warned not to let the people come near the mountain-this was repeated in verses 12,21,22,24-why because Christ feared that the Lord would break forth upon them and destroy them in v.22-Then Moses was told to "get away" lest He break forth.This is the reaction of God when a un repented sinner comes into his presence. The bible say that on the day of judgement God will literally rip s ome people apart why-sin.Respectifully,How does this God compare to the one of your imagination? This is why we warn Mormons...etc
Sure glad this is done respectfully  -- my god and your God and all.   My god and your God are the same.  The only difference is that your God is stuck in a former administration while mine god is free to move about , having revealed the mystery of salvation offered and given to all.  
cd:Two points, Your God doesn't agree with the Bible (see book of revelations) and salvation is not given to all-it is offered to all but not received by all

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