CD: The question ere I sent out last week got good results from most of the group. It was designed to help me understand how much Calvinism has influenced our pure religion-and view the results of the Mormons in this area. The belief behind this test has beginnings with Augustine of Hippo(354-430) who was the fathers of the RCC and later debated and picked up as a belief at the Synod of Dort by John Calvin (1509-1564)-more popular referred as the TULIP-Five points of Calninism.Jame Arminius (1506-16090) Was one of the major obstacle to this belief but died before the debate at the Synod of Dort and as the deck was stacked against them -His followers lost the debate. This in turn cause this false belief to flourish and lead to the deaths of many of the followers of Arminius,AnaBaptist,Reformers...etc ( note: Christians in the Bible were persecuted for their beliefs not one harmed other for adherence to a different belief). The Dutch baptist was one of the groups to promote Calvinism. If there are any w ho answer contrary to the answers I am giving then you need to review the bible and change your understanding of God's instructions and He was not a Calvinist-as you are teaching/preaching another gospel then the one delivered to the saints. I have found that most of the baptist church agree completely, and now some Wesleyans churches agree in part, with Calvinism.
1.Total Depravity-After the fall man is totally unable to fulfill the law of God or to search for God on his own. Here Calvinist and Arminians agree.
2.Uncondition elect-Calvins believe that God chooses for salvation who he wants. Armininians believe that God chooses who He foresaw that will believe in Jesus Christ.
3.Limited Atoinment-Calvins believe that Christ died only for the elect. Arminians believe that Christ died for all people.
4. Irresistible grace-Calvinists believe that God leads people to faith through the irresistible force of grace. Arminians believe that the grace of God can be resisted.
5. Preservation of the saints-Calvinists believe that for saints who are the elect it is impossible to fall from grace. Arminians say it is possible to fall from grace.
What are you?

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