Do I have this about right, Dave?

DAVEH:   Yes are reasonably close in briefly explaining my understanding of hell for the purposes of this discussion.....except for the comment about......
but not too many
.........I'm not sure where you got that one.   Consider it a misunderstanding, as that is not what I believe, but rather quite the opposite.

      FTR....I never said, "there is no hell."
David Miller wrote:
Dean wrote:
There is another way We can ask David
Miller if this happened?? As for a quote,:
"There is no hell". by Dave Hanson

Hi Dean.  I am not aware of Dave ever saying, "there is no hell."  As I 
remember Dave's position, he believes in hell, but he believes that the fire 
is figurative of what separation from God is like.  He believes that Satan 
will be put there, and some others, but not too many.  His view of heaven is 
that there are many levels, so many will make it to the lower part of 
heaven, and only the really, really, REALLY bad dudes will be cast into 
hell.  Do I have this about right, Dave?  :-)

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 


Dave Hansen
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