On Mon, 28 Nov 2005 23:26:04 -0800 Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
DAVEH:   Thanx for your advice on this, DavidM...especially considering your time constraints.  
Not that I want to open another can of worms, but in light of my discussion (if it could be called
that) with Perry and whether or not there is any truth to be found on TT, these exchanges you are
having with Judy and Dean illustrate the problem I see with TT.  I don't know which side is giving
the truth about Calvin, but I'd sure be surprised if you are able to convert Judy and/or Dean to your
way of seeing it, and likewise....I doubt you will be jumping over to your side of the fence. 
When I asked you the question, So where's the truth?......the answer ain't so simple.....
The truth is in Christ DaveH.  His Word is Truth.  The plumbline is not different historians. John
Calvin did what he did, bragged about it, and refused to repent.  Not only that in his "city of God"
they controlled in such a way that ppl were not free to follow their own conscience which is wrong.
A leader or undershepherd is to be an example to the flock rather than a lord over God's ppl as
was the case in Geneva..

DM: All you have to do, Dave, is read more history from both sides.

........without engaging in a lot of independent study and then drawing conclusions based on
that.  But perhaps I'm being a bit too critical.  I suppose you could have given me a dogmatic
answer that would have been no different than Judy and Dean's answers. 
So DaveH you think Dean and I are dogmatic because our standard is scripture rather than
history which changes according to who writes and/or revises it periodically wheras Jesus
Christ and the Word of Truth is the same yesterday, today, and forever?  In the light of truth
Calvin fails to pass the test.  He may have been well meaning but is not someone to follow.

    Either way....it leads me to believe truth is pretty illusive on TT.  Forgive me for harping on
that theme, but it has become pretty apparent recently that truth really isn't the focus of TT.  If
anything, it seems to be more a place to argue truth without real truth being all that relevant.  I
don't know if that makes any sense though.....
How would you be able to discern truth DaveH when you are already deceived by the
religion you were either born into or have chosen to follow?  Joseph Smith may not have
burned ppl at the stake for heresy but his life and teaching don't measure up either.

    FWIW.....I do have a genuine interest in Calvin, as I've heard a lot of stuff related to him on
the radio program (Key Life Ministries with Steve Brown) who is apparently a Calvinist (if that is
possible with SB being a Presbyterian?)  Anyway....hearing about him has given me a mild interest
in knowing about his theology.  Now that I'm hearing two sides of the coin in TT, it just seems a
little odd.  I'm just not sure I want to spend a whole lot of time trying to sort out the truth about
him from the clutter. 
Not only possible but probable since Presbyterianism is the fruit of Calvin's teachings along
with the Geneva Bible with his footnotes.  The church I attend is Presbyterian and there are lots
of nice folk there.  However, I am aware that there is a Calvinistic bent and so guard my heart
against it. It wouldn't be my first choice but we are limited by what is available in the town where
we live.  You may not see the problem the same way since Mormonism is a controlling religion
also with a prophet who can not ever be wrong.


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