> [Original Message]
> From: Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org>
> Date: 11/29/2005 11:51:11 PM
> Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] 'Calvin's beliefs are of Satan-He was an evil
man' says Dean Moore
> cd: So what is the capital crime?Blasphemy? Better read Titus 1:9-13 Where
> we are instructed to silence the false teachers by sound doctrine and to
> rebuke them sharply-not kill them be show they are wrong.
> BT: Yes, this is what the bishop-led Church is to do.
  cd: Hello again Bill :-)
 From reading this and other posts you sent I assume there are not many
Bishop led churches in your area-but a head deacon would also be called a
Bishop. Within the Street Preaching Fellowship and The Bible Believers
there are Bishops-David M. and Kevin D. both are Bishops, and I held the
office for a few years. But the main point  I would like to make is that
while Titus 1 is speaking about the office of a Bishop v.9 is telling him"
to hold fast the faithful words as he has been taught,that he may be able
by sound doctrine both to extort and to convince the gainsayer". This is
not only for a Bishop but for all Christians-Our lights must shine in a
lost and dying world.
> cd: Calvin said God gave him his authority to kill-God clearly did not do
> so.
> BT: Where did Calvin say that?
 cd: This was post many times in my replies to DavidM.- J. Calvin wrote:
Whoever shall now contend that it is unjust to put heretics  and
blasphemers to death will knowingly and willingly incur their very quilt.
This is not laid down on human authority; it is God who speaks and
prescribes a perpetual rule for his church (Shaff, History of the Christian
Church, Vol. VIII, p.791.).

 Calvin's view was that God had given the
> State the authority to wield the sword. Before we judge his views too
> sharply, let us first consider what greater sin and wrong doing there is
> than to openly speak blasphemy against God, which is the crime of which
> Servetus was convicted. My guess is that as a Christian you support the
> State's right to execute those who commit certain heinous crimes. Am I
> correct? 
cd: Yes you are correct I support the death penelty.But speaking against
the Holy Ghost is a greater crime then speaking against God.This is the
only unforgivable sin and when the Jews did it in front of Christ (ie They
attributed his power for miracles to Satan)-He never once told us or the
disciples to kill those that break this law.

How then are you any different than Calvin? That our culture no
> longer considers blasphemy a crime, much less a capital offence, is an
> indictment against our culture, much more than it is one against his. I
> think, if anything, we have been desensitized, because if anything is
> deserving of death, it ought to be blasphemy: Wouldn't you agree?

cd: No I do not agree as I am confined by the Bible which does not call for
one to die over committing blasphemy-Titus 1 clearly states they must be
silenced by opposing those who do such and even strong rebuke-but not
death. As being different from Calvin-I never stated that God told me to
kill in his name for one-there are many other differences. You must
remember That J.Calvin made a decree that heretics, and blasphemers ,and
those that say it is unjust to kill for these reasons were put to death-not
just blasphemers.
> And just so you don't misunderstand: as a follower of Christ I would not
> advocate the death penalty, even for those whose crime is blasphemy
> the Holy Spirit (our only portal to God) -- just like I do not condone it
> for less damning offences. My opinion, Jesus has spoken in regards to the
> death penalty: "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone."

cd: I hope you also understand that I believe in the death penalty as I am
also told to keep the laws of the land unless they conflict with the laws
of God-I see no conflict ions except aborting and Sodomy. God put governors
and rulers in place to make such decisions and stated that He would abide
by their decisions-as will I for it is even a sin to speak against these
rulers-even angels will not do so. As being without sin and casting the
first stone-many people are without sin-Do you mean to say a convicted
person who on receives Christ and confesses their sins could not turn to
the church and say I have been forgiven and have no more sin upon me? There
are also older Christians also without sin.1 Jn 5:18 We know that whosoever
is born of God sinneth not; but he that is begotten of God keeeth himself,
and that wicked one touches him not.
> Bill

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