Does this make Barfh qualify as a Monstrous Miscreant?
CD = Church Dogmatics
 Like all ancient literature the Old and New Testaments know nothing of the
distinction of fact and value between history on the one hand and saga and legend
on the other (CD I, 2, 509). kd
The biblical writers treated their witness of events, their offering of revelation (the revelation of God )   with the same style of writing as  did those who wrote of saga and legend.     There is no systematic theology written or implied.   They have left the organization of the message to those who believe and read.   Their declaring of the miracles is not evidenced anywhere with arguments of apologetic value.   Unimpeachable evidence was never the approach.   The value and acceptance of the Message, at any level, is the work of faith.   jd
In common with the creation storythe history of the resurrection has to be regarded
as "saga" or "legend." The death of Jesus Christ can certainly be thought of as
history in the modern sense, but not the resurrection (CD IV, 1, 336). kd
Death occurs in history.   Resurrection does not.     Resurrection only occurs in saga or legend.   Does this mean that there is no resurrection of Christ?   Not at all.   But this observation goes directly to how we deal with the matter  --  how it is defended.  Again,  faith is an extremely important hermeneutic for Barth.   And why shouldn't it be?       jd
By the way  --  thanks for the "critical examples."   It gave me opportunity to read   the larger context and actually see just where Barth of was coming from.  I do not pretend to be an authority on Karl Barth.   But I read in his Dogmatics a little each night.   And the above gives me the opportunity to explain what he has written around the passages of thought produced by his enemies.    Nowhere does he try to overcome scripture with his own opinion.   I have said that before and I say it again.   He is as bible based a writer as I have ever known.    

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