famous quoutes
I am just here to learn AND teach a little LDS DOCTRINE!!!!!!!
The Prophet Joseph Smith taught that Michael, spoken of in the Bible (Dan. 10:13; Jude 1:9; Rev. 12:7), is Adam. In his premortal life, Adam received the priesthood (TPJS, p. 157), was taught the plan of God (TPJS, p. 167), and was appointed to be the head of the human family (TPJS, p. 158). He participated in the creation of the earth and occupied a position of authority next to Jesus Christ (TPJS, p. 158), under whose direction he at all times functions (D&C 78:16). He led the forces of righteousness against the devil "and his angels," who were overcome and expelled from heaven (see War in Heaven).
Latter-day scriptures attest that Adam is a son of God, that his physical body was created by the Gods in their own image and placed in the Garden of Eden (Moses 6:9, 22; Abr. 5:7-11; TPJS, p. 345-53; cf. 2 Ne. 2:14-19). In this physical-spiritual state in Eden, Adam was called the "first man" (Moses 1:34) and given responsibility to dress the garden and "open the way of the world" (TPJS, p. 12). He was given dominion and responsibility over the earth, and he gave names to its creatures (Moses 3:19). He was joined with Eve in marriage (Abr. 5:4-19), but in their premortal condition "they would have had no children" (2 Ne. 2:23). Adam received the grand keys of the priesthood (Abr., Facsimile 2, Fig. 3), and its ordinances were confirmed upon Adam and Eve (cf. TPJS, p. 167).
(Mormon Logic now In order to Obey they Disobeyed!)
In order to obey the command of God to multiply and people the earth, Adam and Eve transgressed the law. Their deliberate action resulted in their fall (see Fall of Adam), and they were expelled from the garden. "Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy" (2 Ne. 2:25). Thus, their action precipitated, as God had planned, the mortal phase of the Plan of Salvation.
The Mormon 'god' planned for them to SIN in fact He made it the ONLY Option  This would be totally out of character for the God of the Bible.

ShieldsFamily <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
In a word: No.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dave Hansen
Sent: Sunday, December 04, 2005 8:42 PM
To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
Subject: [TruthTalk] New Subject--A&E
DAVEH:  May I suggest another topic of interest to me?  I am curious as to if any of you folks ever consider what would have happened IF Adam and Eve had not transgressed.  Does that discussion ever come up with you folks?

   Look  --  what are we going to discuss here on TT?   We have pretty much said all that can be said about any number of subjects. 

Dave Hansen
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