Some day........................  we will know, as we are known.

Lance Muir wrote:
Does anyone always and only have an accurate and exhaustive understanding of the entire Biblical corpus?
Are we promised any more than 'enough' understanding to facilitate salvation?
Does 'study' matter when it comes to Scripture?  What's entailed in this 'study'?
What is the role of the Holy Spirit in apprehending the 'gospel', the act of exegesis, the act of exposition (either spoken or written), office/sign gifts?
Is there even the possibility of  the entire believing community, globally, coming to a unitary understanding of the entire corpus of Scripture?
Do even the most mature (godly/holy/sanctified) believers possess only a partial/limited understanding of the Holy Scriptures?
Do all believers err, at some points, in their understanding and therefore, teaching of the Holy Scriptures? Does this necessarily represent sin? When as a believer something of your teaching is errant relative to ontological truth and, you discover this to be so then, what steps ought you to take to rectify the matter vis a vis those who received this teaching?
Just musing..........

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