Actually, my youngest daughter (22 years old) has told me why she has decided to NOT hoime school her children .......... and it is for much of the same reason as seen in the opening line below. She told me that each of the eight friends she had at Fresno Pacific U (who were all home schooled) had a very difficult time getting along with those in the school or "fitting in."
My oldest daughter (38 years old) home schools up to junior high age for the same reason.
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thu, 8 Dec 2005 08:38:21 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] New Subject-A&E
While it may be noble to want to keep one's children pure and innocent, a loving parent who overly protects their children will end up with kids acutely susceptible to the ills of the world.
That is like saying a gardner who overprotects his PRIZE flowers from weeds and pests will end up with flowers that are acutely susceptible to it!
Prize Flowers are to be handled with care preferably in a safe environment like a greenhouse.
Prize Flowers are to be handled with care preferably in a safe environment like a greenhouse.
Allowing access to your children to those things that would mean to do them harm is a foolish philosophy
The Next Generation of Leadership
The most important people are the ones that history glosses over and such is the case with Home Schooling families. The presence of kids who were Homeschooled in the 1980s and '90s is beginning to be felt more and more in our cultural life. Dr. Brien Ray did a fascinating study on homeschoolers and found that 73% of homeschoolers 18-24 vote compared to 29% of all people their age. The voting percentage goes up to 95% for people above age 25 and they're three times more likely than their fellow citizens to give political contributions. 74% of homeschoolers have taken college courses, compared to only 46% of the general population. Ironically, homeschoolers who were predicted to be social misfits, are more active and involved in their community's politics than the general population.
Parents who chose to make extraordinary sacrifices to ensure their children aren't led astray by the dominant culture are getting extraordinary results as 94% of homeschoolers are holding to their parents religious beliefs.
The Homeschooled kids of the '90s will be the leaders of the next century because of hard work, sacrifice, and loving families. I was homeschooled, but am hardly the best or brightest of the bunch. I never thought about it much as a kid, but having been around both homeschooled and public school kids as an adult, I'm struck by the general courtesy, kindness, and advance vocabulary of homeschooled kids. They're a shining beacon of hope in this present darkness, and a reminder of God's abiding faithfulness.
The most important people are the ones that history glosses over and such is the case with Home Schooling families. The presence of kids who were Homeschooled in the 1980s and '90s is beginning to be felt more and more in our cultural life. Dr. Brien Ray did a fascinating study on homeschoolers and found that 73% of homeschoolers 18-24 vote compared to 29% of all people their age. The voting percentage goes up to 95% for people above age 25 and they're three times more likely than their fellow citizens to give political contributions. 74% of homeschoolers have taken college courses, compared to only 46% of the general population. Ironically, homeschoolers who were predicted to be social misfits, are more active and involved in their community's politics than the general population.
Parents who chose to make extraordinary sacrifices to ensure their children aren't led astray by the dominant culture are getting extraordinary results as 94% of homeschoolers are holding to their parents religious beliefs.
The Homeschooled kids of the '90s will be the leaders of the next century because of hard work, sacrifice, and loving families. I was homeschooled, but am hardly the best or brightest of the bunch. I never thought about it much as a kid, but having been around both homeschooled and public school kids as an adult, I'm struck by the general courtesy, kindness, and advance vocabulary of homeschooled kids. They're a shining beacon of hope in this present darkness, and a reminder of God's abiding faithfulness.
And the nay sayers said "O NO how are they going to learn to Socialize?"
Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
DaveH writes:FWIW.....While it may be noble to want to keep one's children pure and innocent, a loving parent who overly protects their children will end up with kids acutely susceptible to the ills of the world.Not necessarily; being over protective through fear is one thing. Teaching children spiritual discernment in the fear of God is another because then the parent has His power and watchful eye on their side.I see it similar to communicable illnesses. You could raise your kid in a bubble and he would live a germ/virus free life. But once he enters the real world, he would be extremely vulnerable to catching a slew of nasty bugs. Isn't it much better to allow your kid be exposed to such hazards so that he can become inoculated against the ravages in the strength of his youth than allow such illnesses to eventually attack later in life when one is perhaps more vulnerable?This is what the wisdom of the world teaches. But we are fearfully and wonderfully made and God has given us an immune system which should be able to throw off anything that comes our way when not compromised by sin.I see that somewhat as an analogy to the tree knowledge of good and evil. I hope that makes a little sense, Terry. (Though I'm sure some TTers will take exception.) FTR....I don't think that is the sole reason for the tree though.The trees in the garden DaveH are the two kinds of wisdom. The tree of life is "pure, peaceable, and full of good fruit" and this is the tree God wanted His creation to eat from. The other tree - the one the serpent was promoting - is earthly, sensual, and demonic. So take your pick. One leads to life and the other to death.
He that says "I know Him" and doesn't keep His Commandments
is a liar (1 John 2:4)
- Re: [TruthTalk] New Subject-A&E knpraise
- RE: [TruthTalk] New Subject-A&E ShieldsFamily
- RE: [TruthTalk] New Subject-A&E Kevin Deegan
- Re: [TruthTalk] New Subject-A&E knpraise
- Re: [TruthTalk] New Subject-A&E Blainerb473
- Re: [TruthTalk] New Subject-A&E Terry Clifton
- Re: [TruthTalk] New Subject-A&E Kevin Deegan
- Re: [TruthTalk] New Subject-A&E Blainerb473
- Re: [TruthTalk] New Subject-A&E Terry Clifton
- Re: [TruthTalk] New Subject-A&E Blainerb473
- Re: [TruthTalk] New Subject-A&E Terry Clifton