being over protective through fear is one thing

DAVEH:   That seems to be a tactic of some Christians.  For instance, the whole commonly believed scenario about hell being a literal punitive torturous form of punishment is an example that I see driving some people away from Christianity.  I'm sure there will be some SPers who will point to their successes by using such methodology, but that does not necessarily offset the numbers of those who are turned off by such rhetoric.

This is what the wisdom of the world teaches.

DAVEH:   Have you ever read of some of the examples where groups of people were decimated by diseases brought into their environment by outsiders? 

God has given us an immune system which should be able to throw off anything that comes our way

DAVEH:  I tend to agree with you on this to a point, Judy.  Though I don't view it as an immune system, but rather as inoculation.  We aren't born with a resistance to sin, but we achieve it as we become one with the Lord.  I think it was Paul who explained the analogy of putting on the armor of God.  We aren't born with that armor, but acquire it as we grow in Christ. 

The tree of life is "pure, peaceable, and full of good fruit" and this is the tree God wanted His creation to eat from.

DAVEH:  Then why do you think God kept A&E from partaking of it after they transgressed?

The other tree - the one the serpent was promoting - is earthly, sensual, and demonic.

DAVEH::   You've lost me on that one, Judy.  Are you saying the tree of knowledge of good and evil is earthly, sensual, and demonic?    If so, it sounds like you are implying that God planted something evil in the Garden of Eden in an effort to tempt A&E.  If that is what you are suggesting, do you have Biblical evidence to support your theory? 

    FWIW........I had the impression that Gen 1 suggests exactly the opposite........

12] And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

.........That the trees God created were good.   Reading Gen 2......

[9] And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

...........does not give me the impression that the tree of knowledge of good and evil was in itself evil.  If you disagree, I'd like to understand why you think such. 

Judy Taylor wrote:
DaveH writes: 
   FWIW.....While it may be noble to want to keep one's children pure and innocent, a loving parent who overly protects their children will end up with kids acutely susceptible to the ills of the world. 
Not necessarily; being over protective through fear is one thing.  Teaching children spiritual discernment in the fear of God is another because then the parent has His power and watchful eye on their side.
I see it similar to communicable illnesses.  You could raise your kid in a bubble and he would live a germ/virus free life.  But once he enters the real world, he would be extremely vulnerable to catching a slew of nasty bugs.  Isn't it much better to allow your kid be exposed to such hazards so that he can become inoculated against the ravages in the strength of his youth than allow such illnesses to eventually attack later in life when one is perhaps more vulnerable? 
This is what the wisdom of the world teaches.  But we are fearfully and wonderfully made and God has given us an immune system which should be able to throw off anything that comes our way when not compromised by sin.
 I see that somewhat as an analogy to the tree knowledge of good and evil.  I hope that makes a little sense, Terry.  (Though I'm sure some TTers will take exception.)  FTR....I don't think that is the sole reason for the tree though.
The trees in the garden DaveH are the two kinds of wisdom.  The tree of life is "pure, peaceable, and full of good fruit" and this is the tree God wanted His creation to eat from.  The other tree - the one the serpent was promoting - is earthly, sensual, and demonic.  So take your pick.  One leads to life and the other to death.

He that says "I know Him" and doesn't keep His Commandments
                              is a liar (1 John 2:4)

Dave Hansen
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