On Fri, 9 Dec 2005 05:57:00 -0700 "Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
So they were created one of two ways.  They were either eternal with the ability to fall through disobedience - OR they were created like us which is mortal and dying as we live with
access to the tree of life?
More added words: you are setting up a strawman, Judy. Go back to what has been said and
see the distinction.
No strawman here Bill.
When you add the word "dying" to our words, Judy, you are setting up a strawman.
If anyone set up a strawman it was JD; he is the one who said they were created
"like us" which is mortal and the word "mortal" well I already gave the dictionary
definition.  They were created "in God's image" which is both holy and eternal.
 God did not create a dying people -- John did not say that, and neither did I.
JD said created "like us" in which case they would be a "dying people"
As long as A&W were eating of the tree of life, there was no death in them
whatsoever. Hence, what we are saying -- or at least I am -- is that God created
a people with the potential to die.
The above is a little different from what JD stated ... How about the potential to
fall as Lucifer did.  Angels are spirits - they don't die.  Humans I believe are also
created spiritual beings and tho our body is perishing our inner man is either
being renewed or being entrenched in even more darkness daily.
If you will accept this distinction, I will be happy to continue our discussion.
If not, then there is nothing to discuss.

He that says "I know Him" and doesn't keep His Commandments
                              is a liar (1 John 2:4)

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