Saturday, December 10, 2005
Democrats sell Christian 'hypocrite' sticker
Fish symbol with hellish flames removed from website after exposure
Posted: December 10, 2005
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2005
The official website of Washington State Democrats sold magnetic car stickers of the Christian fish symbol and cross emblazoned with the word "hypocrite" on a background of hellish flames.
Democrats sell Christian 'hypocrite' sticker
Fish symbol with hellish flames removed from website after exposure
Posted: December 10, 2005
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2005
The item was removed about mid-day yesterday after a weblog took note, calling it an example of Democrat Party hostility toward religious believers, especially Christians.
The original page can be seen here.
The product was sold along with ribbons with slogans such as "Support Diversity" and "Give Peace a Chance."
A line below the ribbons reads "Honk for Blue State Pride!" - referring to the common designation of states won by Democrats in the presidential election, and "Show your fellow drivers that magnetic car ribbons are not only the territory of Republicans!" - a reference to the popular "Support Our Troops" ribbons.
Only the "hypocrite" magnet is missing from the current page .