We are poor. You are poorer too. But we are poorer. Guaranteed. Mostly because we are skipping & calling in sick to work to bring you something vaguely similar to really good music journalizm. Just think of it as posting a tax-deductible comment, except your "words" are numbers.
i've noticed; yes, how it's all about you, tooOn Sat, 10 Dec 2005 09:16:28 -0800 (PST) Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:I Was Crazy Onceby Brandon M. DennisWith iron prodders and pokey thingsThey scrape and mar and break and bleedWhile the younglings lay in dreamsOf Lucifers fall and Adams deedDown the hatch where leaves fallI saw the coin of the smartest sideWhere no one knows how big or smallThe cuckoo grins at his feathery rideForever they swept the furthest barrowAnd within found what he foretoldAbout Thors goats marrowThe shimmering rays the sword-blade holdI then went walking down the ravineTo examine every flying whimWhose scales are now better seenIn feathery flinching fighting finBeneath my skin I saw it crawlAnd make its trail and burrow deepForever to retain the callof laughter for your ears to keep!And you who sit on earthy-bloodRead the tree-flesh while you chewon runes carved with inky mud.You think Im crazy, dont you?[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:myth [behind this statement it's jt herself judging (for) God]On Thu, 8 Dec 2005 07:57:26 -0500 Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:..they judge themselves unworthy of eternal life they exclude themselves from his Promises.
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