might you at least address matters of some substance?

cd: How when there is no substance to Mormonism?

DAVEH:   I find your above comment rather interesting, Dean.  From what you said previously (below), I was under the impression that you would not want to discuss anything with me due to you not wanting to know any more about what I believe.  Perhaps there is more to substance to my beliefs than you can handle, Dean.....ever consider that possibility???

    I doubt it.  Though I appreciate your declared concern for my eternal welfare, it does seem to me you are quite satisfied to consign my soul to hell than to continue discussions of substance.

cd: I cannot trust any answer you give-why because you are full of IT:-) I really don't want to know any more of your twisted religion with half -truths and complete lies while chasing you in circles to try and help prevent your miserable soul from hell-You want to go to hell Dave well go to hell.  Our discussions are finished.


Dean Moore wrote:
Lastly, beloved moderator, should you continue to choose to carry on your engagement with our Mormon friends, might you at least address matters of some substance?
cd: How when there is no substance to Mormonism?

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