There have been freemasons since the tower of Babel, where it all started.

Kevin Deegan wrote:
There were freemasons at the founding of our goverment.
White house at bottom point
"Universally accepted symbol for Satan?"
What about the Congressional Medal of Honor???  Please note the pentagrams, all pointing downward????
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In a message dated 12/12/2005 8:17:54 P.M. Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Don't let your mind accept what your eyes see.
It may look like the satanic star, it may have the same proportions as the satanic Star. it may align with the satanic star in every way if we overlay them,
But it can not be a Satanic star since you say so.
pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!
look this way & repeat after me "I know the church is true"
Avert your eyes look away that is not the universally accepted symbol for Satan.
repeat after me.....

What about the stars on the American flag?? five points.  I doubt they or the Mormon Temple builders even worry about what direction the stars point

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