It is always Bragging not False Piety?
To TESTIFY how you are giving Drink to a thirsty man is BRAGGING?
You brought up the subject, I thought you were gonna bless us with some Testimony!
Doesn't the bragging part come from ones ATTITUDE?
Bragging is not in the essence of the act of compassion but is something that comes forth from within ones heart.
To simply say I work at the mission with the homeless would not be bragging.
Surely there must be some instance you could relate without bragging
To avoid the issue by using a device like I don't want to brag, implies that you are doing so very much we could not avoid the thought.
Or that you are doing nothing and must cover up.
I see no reason that you could not give a simple statement and not brag.
There is a difference between what you do for God
What is God DOing Through you?
Was Paul BRAGGING in 2 Co 11
Are they ministers of Christ? (I speak as a fool) I am more; in labours more abundant, in stripes above measure, in prisons more frequent, in deaths oft.
What was your purpose in the original comments, but to imply you are fufilling while Dean is "only about correcting others"
Is the "One who needs to know" Blessed by that?
You are concerned and do not want to BRAG but have NO Problem disparaging Dean?
Funny how some preach but when asked to display how they are DOing what they ask others to do, well then it would be bragging LOL
But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.
BTW You are right that God already knows
Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
To tell you these things would be bragging, Kev.  What I am doing is known by the One who needs to know.  He does it through me.  Remember the instructions?  Don't let your right hand know what the other is doing.  Those who brag about their deeds already have their rewards.  You might think about that.

Kevin Deegan wrote:
You have got to be joking, Dean!  There is no sin of omission?  Is following Christ only about correcting others?  How about giving a drink to a thirsty man?
AND how do you do such?
I find that most that speak like this are DOing nothing of consequence. They love in "WORD" but never in DEED!
It tends to be a device to soothe their conscience.
The bible speaks of it this way.
My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.
Talk is cheap it does not cost a thing!
As a proponent of PURE RELIGION
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.
What are you DOing? Tell us of your DEEDS.
Looking foward to your TESTIMONY!   PTL!

Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dean Moore wrote:
You have got to be joking, Dean!  There is no sin of omission?  Is following Christ only about correcting others?  How about giving a drink to a thirsty man?  How about passing by the wounded on the road to Damascus?  How about the guy broke down alongside the interstate?  Can you please God by telling the thirsty guy he needs to be saved and leave him in thirst.  Can you hand a tract to the guy broke down miles from nowhere and go on?  I would never do that and neither would you.

cd: There is a difference in pointing out error and stoning someone to death.We can call sin ,sin and are told to do so in the bible. Abstaining from original sin keeps one from being a hypocrite as you are trying to make Judy appear. Adding sin of omission in this manner is clouding the true message of the Gospel-If we are living in the 11 commandments given to us then there is no sin of omission for to have love of the brethren we will be helping them-by correction their error(s) ,and giving to them for their needs-then there is on sin of omission.If not- feel free to point out those other sins of omission?

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