Since you have been asked to stop stirring the pot
And some subjects have been identified as OFF LIMITS
I have declined to comment
But since you guys can not leave it alone
I was refering to your PRIVATE email off list to a member of this list stating you were
"waiting with 'bated breath for your more complete description . . ."

The last private e-mail I got from Dave was when I was off-Forum.  I have sent him no such e-mails since, either.  Kevin is, as usual, just seeing his own beam in our eyes.  :>)
In a message dated 12/14/2005 5:24:09 A.M. Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
cd: It is my opinion that mormons are big crybabies-and I have no idea what you are refering to-as you accuse others of the very thing you yourself are doing.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 12/14/2005 2:03:00 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] ** Moderator comment **


DAVEH:   ???   To what fact are you referring, Kevin?  I remember Dean accidentally publicly posting an email about John (as I remember) that he apparently thought he sent to you under the table, but Blaine and I haven't done such.  While I've copied many of the pertinent posts to Blaine during the period he was off-Forum, we don't exchange strategies with each other, and seldom even send off-forum comments to each other.    So.......why would you imply it is a fact that we do some things thru private emails "under the table, when the evidence instead suggests that it is you and Dean who use such tactics?

    Was it Dean who suggested that if a person is critical of another's nature, it might be that the accuser is hiding something?   Naw....I don't think he said anything like that, as it might have made him feel guilty.  & nbsp;     ;-)

Kevin Deegan wrote:
 in fact it is the LDS folk who have made comments and done some things thru private emails "under the table"


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