cd: You do realize that this is the Bible I am quoting that you are disagreeing with?
 I realize that the commandments were for the children of Israel.  I was never under the law and am not under the law now.  I have no obligation to keep the Sabbath.  I am free from the law.

cd: Then why were you condemned to eternal death before salvation-as the breaking of the law condemns. Yes, we are above the law thru Christ but doesn't the Bible teach us that if we sin the full weight of the law falls back upon us.Why now is the law written on the hearts of all men-your too,why then is it not binding to you. You may not sin and be above the law but that does not mean the law doesn't exist for you-it is there waiting.
1 Cor 7:19 Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but the keeping of the commandments of God.
As for the Commandments being only for the Jews you are wrong-dead wrong. The ceremonial law (ie. the Holy Feast days),the Priestly law ,and the dietary law are non- binding to Christians but this does not include the commandments.Terry you need to learn these distinctions. Consider the forth Commandment and the obligation the stranger within the gates had in keeping it-Exod.20:10-these strangers were gentiles.How can you overlook 1JN 2:4-Judy puts that passage on all her postings?

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