The failure of the "inspired" on this forum to answer or even try to answer questions concerning their doctrine of "spiritual discernment,"  its detachment from
mental processes, and the infallible nature of its interpretive conclusions  gives rise to the importance of a hermeneutical rule that would suggest that in addition to considerations of syntax, semantical concerns, contextual considerations including time, date and cultural histories  ---  a rule that adds to this mix the weight of the application or lack thereof of our theological conclusion.  
When we present and teach a conclusion that fails as an applied value  [ you all can't answer the questions !!],  we expose those conclusions to be untrue or sorely in need of  serious revisiting.   A failure to do so is expressed in the difference between effective interpretation and a heady interpolation of Godly concerns
Judy and David do not offer answers to questions posed because they cannot. 

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