People, understandably, intervene on behalf of those for whom they care. Family members may speak harshly, on occasion, to one another. These same family members may not permit the same liberty to non-family members. Therefore, DM should appreciate you, one whome he apparently sees as a family member, speaking on his behalf.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: January 05, 2006 01:51
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Unsubscribe please

DAVEH:   FWIW.......While it may be mild, it strikes me as being in the realm of an ad-hom.  And, whether or not it is true......I do no see it as pertinent to whether or not it is an ad-hom.  However Lance......I've made similar errors of judgment in the past, so I probably should not be the one to point out yours.

Lance Muir wrote:
I draw the line, Dave, where that which is said does not describe the one being spoken to. 'Pompous ass' is pretty mild stuff.
----- Original Message -----
From: Dave
Sent: January 02, 2006 17:52
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Unsubscribe please

You were simply described.

DAVEH:   Lance, may I ask you where you draw the line on an ad-hom?  Is it possible describing somebody as a pompous ass to ever be an ad-hom in your opinion? 

Lance Muir wrote:
YOU WERE NOT INSULTED, DAVIDM! You were simply described. An _expression_ was employed that is no worse than 'brain fart'. Cool it, oh defensive one!


Dave Hansen
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