Ask DM as you appear to respect HIS opinion.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: January 09, 2006 06:27
Subject: Re: Fw: [TruthTalk] Christ - incarnate God (Judy)

So what qualifies her? Why are you so sure she knows the Truth?
On Mon, 9 Jan 2006 06:14:21 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Expert witness.
Lance you are doing it again; if Debbie Sawczak is so interested in what I am saying and doing then why
doesn't she join the list and put in her two cents? .. Don't answer that, I guess she doesn't need to when she
has you to do it for her - but you seeking out her opinion is a complete and utter waste of time. I am speaking
about things that she obviously can not relate to and has no understanding about though she obviously believes
her opinion to be valuable.
Also I have yet to see Debbie Sawczak (your expert witness) involved in dialogue herself.  Most of what you
post from her are essay kind of things in which she shares her impressions and they are totally one sided.  
What is one to say?  "Oh that's nice?"  What is your purpose in sending her opinions about me to TT?  I'm
certainly not requesting her counsel.
On Sun, 8 Jan 2006 15:01:34 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
You see? She sometimes does believe in the deity of Christ. She goes down a trail of disagreeing with somebody because of who it is or some shibboleth they have used, instead of thinking properly about what they are saying, and then finds, surprise surprise, she is contradicting her own belief. That is what makes it so maddening to try to "dialogue" (misnomer if ever there was one) with her: not so much her insultingness, but her constant sabotage of communication. It is a complete waste of time--and the thing is, it's not just one's own time, but hers also that is wasted, since I'm sure (as you've often said too) that when she's not writing on TT she's doing many truly worthwhile and admirable things. She should not be participating in such a forum at all. I think it would be more charitable just to leave her unanswered till she gets bored and signs off and goes about her proper God-ordained business. She is neither learning nor teaching here but is doubtless fruitful elsewhere.
I don't deny Christ is God any more than I deny the Holy Spirit is God or the Father is God JD

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