----- Original Message -----
From: Lance Muir
Sent: 1/9/2006 8:11:55 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Is this true? DH

So then, 'the bride' is the truth?
cd: The bride has the truth and as the body is the truth because the body is in the truth-That is her beauty Lance.

Gal 2:5 To whom3739 we gave place1502 by subjection,5292 no, not3761 for4314 an hour;5610 that2443 the3588 truth225 of the3588 gospel2098 might continue1265 with4314 you.5209

Joh 16:13 Howbeit1161 when3752 he,1565 the3588 Spirit4151 of truth,225 is come,2064 he will guide3594 you5209 into1519 all3956 truth:225 for1063 he shall not3756 speak2980 of575 himself;1438 but235 whatsoever3745, 302 he shall hear,191 that shall he speak:2980 and2532 he will show312 you5213 things to come.2064

Also 'the bride' is 'unblemished' in HIM and, not in herself.
cd: I agree that Christ makes us that way-but one has to keep himself in that condition.

James 1:27 Pure2513 religion2356 and2532 undefiled283 before3844 God2316 and2532 the Father3962 is2076 this,3778 To visit1980 the fatherless3737 and2532 widows5503 in1722 their< FONT color=#008000 size=3>846 affliction,2347 and to keep5083 himself1438 unspotted784 from575 the3588 world.2889

 He alone is unblemished.
cd: Not so Lance-we too are unspotted if we refrain from sin. Sorry for the "lighten up" remark as I took your meaning wrong.

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