See below
-------------- Original message --------------
From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
John wrote:
Lance asked about the difference between the Christ of DM and JT and some others on this forum.  There is so much confusion that one scarsely knows where to begin.   Perhaps the best way to say it is this:  they believe in a Christ of Law and grace and others believe in a Christ of Spirit and grace.   The former insists that obedience is the path to God, ala the Old Law  --  and the others believe that obedience is a response to the Indwelling  -   an indwelling that cannot possibly miss His mark because He has become a part of the ontology of the saint.  
John, the only confusion on this is in your mind.  No matter how many times I tell you what I believe, you prefer to believe falsely about me.  You are not even close to characterizing how I believe.  Just because I do not believe that the law has been done away, as per the teaching of Jesus, but rather that it is the covenant of law that has been made obsolete by the sacrifice of Christ, does not mean that I believe that obedience is the path to God ala the Old Law.  I'm not aware of anyone on TruthTalk right now who thinks that way.  Slade did, who you got along with just fine because of his hippy era liberal bent, but he is not here anymore.  If you gave me a multiple choice test, I would check the same box you would, that obedience is a response to the Indwelling.  I also would check the box for a Christ of Spirit and grace.  Your antinomian bias has confused you concerning what I believe.
If you sin and do not repent, for whatever reason,  will that single sin place you in hell.  You speak of rebuking and hell muhc more ofter than I, of course.  Surely we would not check the same boxes on whatever test !!  LOL
I do have to ask you, however, that when you say, "an indwelling that cannot possibly miss the mark because He has become a part of the ontology of the saint," are you claiming an ontological infallibility for yourself simply because you are a Christian?
I am acknowledging God's guarantee to complete the task He has initiated within me.  If He has become a part of who I am,  ontologically,   then how can I be lost apart from an outright rebellion to his presense?   With that in mind,   I will answer your question in a single word,  "Yes." 
David Miller.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2006 11:03 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Differences

I am sure I agree  ---  but I do not dismiss the relational impact (whether positive or negative) of those on this site. 
When I came to this forum,  I was a supporter of David M,  typically conservative (for lack of a better term) and an oft defender of Judy Taylor. 
And what have I learned?   That few on this site have a clue as to the meaning of "liberal."  ........................   that some on this site place concepts  (their concepts which they confuse with divine concpet) as more important than continuing relationships.  
Lance asked about the difference between the Christ of DM and JT and some others on this forum.  There is so much confusion that one scarsely knows where to begin.   Perhaps the best way to say it is this:  they believe in a Christ of Law and grace and others believe in a Christ of Spirit and grace.   The former insists that obedience is the path to God, ala the Old Law  --  and the others believe that obedience is a response to the Indwelling  -   an indwelling that cannot possibly miss His mark because He has become a part of the ontology of the saint.  
That is how I see the difference. 
-------------- Original message --------------
From: "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 1/11/2006 7:59:37 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Mormonism & Freemasonry

How Kevin treats someone who is willing to listen to him for an extended period of time has little to do with the way he treats those on this forum with whom he disagrees.  
cd: What I am trying to say is that there is more to Kevin than what you have seen.
-------------- Original message --------------
From: "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
----- Original Message -----
From: Taylor
Sent: 1/10/2006 1:02:01 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Mormonism & Freemasonry

I have had several encounters with SPs over the years, Dean. And I have observed Kevin's approach to ministry here on TT, not to mention others who have drifted in and out over the last couple of years. And so, I will be the first to admit to a limited experience. Yes, I hung around and listened on more than one occasion, as I was curious to see the kinds of reactions their preaching provoked. And no, it didn't seem to me that they ever really got to the Gospel. "Christ," it seemed, was but a segue to the soul of their message: "Repent, or be damn!"
Having said that, I am opened to having misjudged Street Preachers as a whole, by the few I have encountered. That is why I am open to meeting you in N.O.
cd: I would like to add in Kevin"s defense-that this forum is limited in it's expressive forms-One cannot truly learn another on this site- Kevin has a big heart for the lost and I have seen him stand and discuss truth for hours with one individual-Great patience and love shown by Kevin but not seen on this site.

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