John wrote:
> I think the problem, here, is that yoou consider me
> to be someone who has no boundaries.

Actually, just the OPPOSITE.  Legalists have boundaries.

John wrote:
> Not true, as it turns out.

Yes, this was my point.  :-)

John wrote:
> I would  argue with your conclusion as regards me.
> A true legalist would put Judy on the outside of the
> Assembly and refuse to let her anywhere near that
> body of believers.  Let us not forget that your definition
> of "legalist" and mine are two very different things.
> Yours makes no disctinction between firmly held
> beleifs and salvation by works   -------------
> my definition is only about that circumstance.

You and I may define legalism differently, but what you don't seem to 
recognize is that your definition is very much like that of the Pharisees. 
They did not put people outside the body of Israel for their beliefs. The 
Sadduccees were not put out for not believing in spirits, angels, the 
resurrection, eternal life, etc.  They were simply categorized in the same 
way that you would categorize Judy.  One important difference, though, is 
they did not treat them as second class citizens, forbidding them to teach, 
as you would Judy.   In other words, (you probably hate me saying this) it 
seems to me that you are more legalistic than the Pharisees were.  Now 
please remember, I do not consider legalism a dirty word.  I just see that 
you are far more strict than the Pharisees were and yet you don't seem to be 
able to see it.  Why can't you just let people like Judy teach all they like 
to their own hearts content?  Is not the truth strong enough to resonate 
with people that they will side with it when you teach?

David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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