cd: Blaine I believe all the answers are in the Bible if one cares to search enough with believing faith and asking God for the answer-Men have always wanted to give an understanding of God that exists outside of the Bible that why cults profit and the only reason they exist. This started in the Garden with Satan: Yea,hath God said,...?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 1/19/2006 10:09:54 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Something to think about

In a message dated 1/19/2006 8:34:35 A.M. Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
They do, their stance is that man is progressing toward godhood as they do what the church says and
that basically God is a man from the planet KolobWhere in the Bible are we told that
Nowhere in the Bible, nor are we told that in any Mormon scripture.  Judy, you're totally out of it!  Your ignorance is bliss, maybe, huh?  No Mormon believes God is a man from Kolob.   No one lives on Kolob, as far as anyone knows, since it revolves on its axis only once per 1000 years.  It is NEAR where God resides, not WHERE he resides.   Its function as a huge, controlling planet was revealed to Abraham, as he sought to understand the workings of the universe.  You do not give us much credit for smarts, is all I can say  :>( 
By the way, were you aware the Milky Way Galaxy revolves, spins, like a giant, 4th of July pin wheel?    Around what, can you tell us?   What causes it to spin?  Maybe your Bible can tell us--or maybe you can do that . . .  Obviously, the Bible does not have the answer to everything, and I doubt you do either. 

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