Lance wrote:
> Ph.D. thesis, David.
> Title, chapter headings, availability to be read?
> That one!

In my biology program, we did not have a thesis for the Ph.D.  We had a 
dissertation.  I never completed this part of the Ph.D. program; hence, I 
never earned a Ph.D.  My Master's thesis concerned prey size selection and 
the foraging ecology of the mangrove water snake, nerodia fasciata 
compressicauda.  My study was published in the journal Copeia during the mid 
1980's.  I don't have an electronic copy of it.  The library at the 
University of South Florida had it on its shelves at one time.  I suppose 
you could get a copy through interlibrary loan, but I doubt the subject 
matter would interest you much.

I had published another study in Herpetologica sometime around that same 
time whereby I described for the first time how these estaurine water snakes 
obtained fresh water.  It is a less analytical article that might be more 
interesting to you, but I think even its subject matter is of little 
interest to most people on this forum.  I don't have the formal references 
for these studies available right now.

David Miller 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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