cd: Due to the lack of response from the brethren-which I think is due to their not wanting to get involved in any more of out "discussions". The last one we completed on Pal Talk concerning the Mormons did end so well, at least for you anyway:-) I will try and relate as to why I believe the brethren preach at Hinn events.
I'm not sure what you are talking about in regards to PalTalk. cd: But I had understood from your previous letter that you believed the preachers was wrong because it gave doubts to those going to Hinn for a healing and that the faith for the healing came from their faith-not Hinns faith-if there is such faith in Hinn. Which is it that would make you speak against the brethren in front of the ungodly-their faith or Hinns faith? I'm not real sure what you are asking. Furthermore, I am not "speaking against brethren." We are to provoke one another to love and good works. We should correct and instruct one another as thoroughly as we do others. Street Preachers in general do have problems with envy and pride, including me. It in some way, at times, aids the drive to get out front and speak. So I'm not sure why you are reacting so negatively to my comments. My perspective about the Hinn meetings is not to say that Hinn is a good guy. If I had to vote right now, based upon what I have heard about him, I would vote against him. However, if it were in my power not to vote, that is what I would choose to do because most of my information comes second hand, though gossip and rumor mills. Not a good source of information. Furthermore, such news is INFESTED with the love of money. It is all talking about MONEY, MONEY, MONEY, and I get sick of reading it. What I was trying to say about faith was that people who are terminally ill seek out God and seek out a remedy wherever they can find it. I work with people in nursing homes and the homeless and infirmed on the streets. I think it is good to encourage them to believe God, because when they do reach out to him in faith, they will be healed. Sometimes it takes a minister who believes in healing to bolster their faith. Like Paul in Acts 14 preaching and seeing the crippled man before him, he perceived that he had faith to be healed. So he told him to stand up. Faith comes through hearing God's Word and we should encourage people to believe God. What a disgrace it is for people such as this to be coming to a meeting that offers hope of healing, only to meet up with a bunch of Street Preachers with signs protesting and telling them that the man inside is a fraud and out to steal their money. I have little doubt that they have been instruments of doubt and unbelief, causing people to return home sick. cd: Hogwash David-You have preached with these same brethren have you seen" jealousy and envy"coming from these brethren that give all for the gospel even their meager saving to go and preach? All I have seen is the preachers being treated badly by the world and now by you. How would Hinn's unbelief effect the healing of those who have faith? The only thing I believe that is not from the Spirit of God is you teaching on this matter David and Hinn. I'm not sure who it is that goes to these Hinn meetings. I guess they are too scared to let me know who they are if I have preached with them. The only person I know about who did this kind of a protest was Paul Mitchell. When I criticized what he was doing on a public list, little was said in his defense. cd: As I have not seen any Healing from Hinn ministry can > you tell me the name of those healed? I would like to speak > to them myself. I'm sorry, Dean, but I can't give you any names right now. I hear little about Benny Hinn in the circles I move in. However, as I minister, people come up and talk to me and there have been numerous individuals who have told me of how they were healed at one of his meetings. I have an uncle named Bob DeVone who was healed at a Kathryn Khulman meeting, the woman who Hinn says his mantle of ministry comes from. My own father was taken to one of Khulman's meetings on a stretcher and healed too. Dean wrote: > I do not see the Spirit of God leading people > to give money to Hinn who spends millions > on self-while poor people suffer and preachers > lose all they have for the gospel sake while wicked > men attack even their character. If you see it > otherwise then I believe you to be in denial David. I'm not saying that the Spirit of God leads these people to give directly to this man. I'm saying that when a person experiences the miracle working power of God, and they realize that if it were not for this person, they would be sick and dying and probably dead by now, they give of what they have to that person out of gratitude and the desire to see others healed as they were. You should think about the story of the widow's mite very carefully. Did Jesus stand outside the Temple and rebuke her for giving to the Temple? Did he warn her of how the Pharisees and Sadducees of the Temple would waste her money? When a person gives, they do so out of a cheerful heart and that is acceptable to God. We should encourage the spirit of giving, and we should encourage the faith of those who are seeking God for healing or salvation. Dean wrote: > My brethren weather the heat and the cold for day > on end for Christ sake they deserve better than this > David. Shame on you David. I too have seen much sacrifice by street preachers. Why are you making out like I am against street preachers? Have I not defended them many times on this list? Am I not also one of the street preachers? Such does not mean that we are above criticism or correction. Dean wrote: > I recall seeing Lonnie in SLC standing in the freezing > rain and snow -with a fever -and at least two inched > of snow on his uncovered head and while the other > preachers went to get something to drink he stay there > preaching Jesus Christ-This is the character of the > preachers I have seen I too have observed such and been part of the same. I have suffered myself many times in the cold and rain for long hours. But this does not mean that we should not correct ourselves when we do something inappropriate. Wasn't Lonnie the one who wore the skull cap to mock James White? Maybe not. I can't remember, but I remember that both Ruben and Jim Webber corrected that street preacher for certain behavior at SLC. This kind of correction should go on all the time. Dean wrote: > ... if you want to fight again just keep going in the > direction you are headed and I will meet you there- > or let it lie and so will I-your choice David. I prefer not to fight, Dean. If the discussion continues to go in the direction of strife and divisiveness between Street Preachers and other Christians, I will probably just let it lie. I do not think Street Preachers are a special brand of Christian that is better than others. Street Preachers show only one side of a very multifaceted God. David Miller. ---------- "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6) If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed. If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.