cd: Lance I speak well of Judy and like the truth that she writes.
----- Original Message -----
From: Lance Muir
Sent: 1/28/2006 9:08:37 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Was Jesus of God's Nature?

LOL!! Certainly no danger of that happening to you on TT, Judy.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: January 28, 2006 08:57
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Was Jesus of God's Nature?

On Sat, 28 Jan 2006 08:40:10 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Some might draw a comparison between the 'witch of Endor" and you but, I'd not place myself alongside such, Judy. You do appear to have some sort of 'gift' for wrong descriptions of many on TT.
I can't recall describing anyone on TT, let alone many.
These back-and-forthis this morning JT, are simply an informed opinion regarding you.
Now, now Lance - what is it you have been saying about DM esteeming himself and his own opinions, tut, tut??
I've said this often of you. You strike me as a profoundly genuine; deeply committed believer. You are, IMO, in bondage to your "rightness". That, IMO, is downright sad.
Well Lance, I have to follow my own conscience. Lord forbid that I would hang my eternal destiny on any man's opinion ... including my own because these are not the ones that count ie: "Beware when all men speak well
of you"
 From: Judy Taylor
On Sat, 28 Jan 2006 08:07:41 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Even the 'exalted one' had a 'revelation' concerning BT. It was favourable concerning his 'living out the gospel'. Did you forget that?
That was HIS revelation - not mine. My experience with BT has been anything but favourable and pleasant. 
Have you failed to read, from all of the aforementioned, life anecdotes? I thought that 'see'rs could 'see'. As Dennie Crane would say, upon receipt of an email from any one of the 'bad guys' 'lock and load'.
I've read lots of words .. I wouldn't call them "life anecdotes".  When you say "seer" are you thinking like "witch of Endor?"  Where is this gift in New Covenant economy?
Very hard to tell Lance because noone you mention ie G, BT, DS etc. reveal themselves; what I read from them
is mostly their opinions (of others)  - glowing ones about favorite theologians and/or critical ones concerning
myself and many times DM.  DS does produce a little essay now and then which is well written but still centers
around her and her opinion ... Do they live out the gospel in their daily lives?  How would I be able to determine this?
On Sat, 28 Jan 2006 07:33:26 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
JT:Implicit-He 'hides Himself" from you (bad) guys while "showing Himself" to us (DM and myself, good guys). I see no pride there. Does anyone else see any pride there? BTW, I DO believe you represent God fairly in that which you say. That little bit that I know of JD, G, BT, DS etc. would give me every indication that live out the gospel. Can YOU not see that also?
Once more Lance you put what you are about on to me. You might be surprised to learn that I spend little or
no time psychoanalyzing any of you.  The difference between all of you and DM is that most of what comes
from him is godly counsel; also he shows love and caring in difficult situations.  When ppl say what God
says consistently I see them as submitted to Him rather than carried away with themselves.  God is funny
about that.  He tends to hide Himself from some and reveal Himself (by wayof His Word) to others.
On Sat, 28 Jan 2006 07:08:32 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Judy: DM an exception of course! How utterly ironic that those two (JT & DM) who esteem themselves more highly than others with respect to their capacity to "infallibly read" the Scriptures fail to see themselves in those very Scriptures. "Awake thou that sleepest"
You wise ones will probably find it amusing that I see you as the "rebellious" and "obdurant"  I also
perceive no humility at all, none of any kind, intellectual or other.  Neither do a read any spiritual
understanding or evidence of a renewed mind going on (of course DM not included).  Well folks
sad to say this is what I see right now but I don't give up on any of you because God will be God
and hopefully one day you will tire of yourself and your own wisdom and ask  and seek God for His.
On Sat, 28 Jan 2006 06:20:44 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
For Judy there is no "considering" an alternate point of view, in order to come to a conclusion after considering.
She is of the "just say No" school. One flirt with intellectual humility and you could get hooked. D 

From: Taylor
What kind of person could you be, Judy, if you would put to death that rebellious spirit (read: nature) you claim not to have. You could maybe learn to read for understanding. You could grow to see the best in your siblings. You may even aspire to keep your nose out of their business. Imagine: a Judy who isn't always causing trouble. Heck, you might even be likable. As it were, though, you will prove once again your denial.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2006 6:11 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Was Jesus of God's Nature?

On Thu, 26 Jan 2006 23:20:20 -0700 "Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Hi Dean. I hope you will accept my apologies for any misunderstanding: I am not wishing that you would stop contributing, but that you would stop jumping so quickly to conclusions. It is insulting to me -- although I know it was not intentionally so -- that you would suggest that I or the others would endorse a view which sets forth Christ as a sinner. If you do not know Lance, John, Debbie (and her dust-bunnies:>) and myself well enough to know that we would not embrace such a doctrine, then surely you do know that David Miller would never espouse the same: for we can all agree that a sinning Savior would be anathema to us all. 
ATST Bill it is insulting to me - (and perhaps Dean also) for the ppl mentioned above to make the claim that Jesus' humanity "so called" included an Adamic sinful nature when scripture clearly records that he is the Lord from heaven (the same yesterday, today, and forever)and that He is the second Adam.
And so I was hoping that out of respect for your siblings you may be willing to set aside your prejudice about Jesus being a sinner (for he was not!), and open yourself to consider his humanity from a different point of view -- as difficult as that may be.
Let go of truth out of some misguided respect for ppl?  I certainly hope and pray that Dean is more mature than to fall for this.
I know, for example, that John is getting frustrated with me for not weighing in on the "fallen nature" debate. The truth is, I have been holding back just so it can play for a while. And while I am confident that the Bible does set forth a "fall" which perversely affected both Adam and his posterity, I am also persuaded that the last and best words have not been spoken on the issue; hence, I am of the opinion that John's position, while not something I can readily endorse, is nonetheless healthy for us all, because it will have the effect of forcing us to re-examine our beliefs on this very important doctrine.
It is written Bill - the last and best words are written already and you can take them to the Bank. Believing them is the problem.
Why would you want to malign Dean's faith which is rooted and grounded in the right place?
I would like to suggest that you take a similar approach to our discussion concerning Christ's humanity. Ease off a little, and see how it plays out. You may never come to a change of mind, but you should at least want to have a valid reason when you don't.  Dean, I'll try to post a response to your questions tomorrow evening. In the meantime, I hope you will consider my request.  Sincerely,
----- Original Message -----
From: Dean Moore
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 7:09 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Was Jesus of God's Nature?

----- Original Message -----
From: Taylor
Sent: 1/26/2006 7:20:48 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Was Jesus of God's Nature?

John writes  >  No one in this discussion believes that Christ sinned, Dean. 


cd responds   >  Respectfully- If one states that Christ had a fallen nature sinful nature that is what one is saying John.


No, Dean, it is not. Rather, it is what you hear us saying. Your hearing, however, is influenced by your view of sin. That John and I and Debbie and Lance, and even David on this one, are coming from a different vantage point than you, is a given. Why assume then that you can see well enough from your perch to identify things from ours? I began my previous post with an assurance that none of us view Jesus as a sinner; John did the same with his; yet you continue to speak only from a limited view, rather than budge just a little, that you might see him more completely. There must be some reason why we can see Jesus as fully representative of humankind in sinful flesh, and yet uphold the truth that he did not sin while in that flesh. Why must conclude therefore that he must have been a sinner? Why not give us the benefit of the doubt, if for just a peak, and try to see things from our perspective?


cd: Wow tough response Bill-I hope my response to David concerning didn't influence you to do likewise as the topic are different-I am suppose to give my life-  if God put me in that position- for the brethren. I can also  assume one can defend those same brethren from looking like fools. Let's not carry our  conversation to that same order of battle-okay? I have not read anything on Debbie belief of this issue to support you stance-I would like to read them. When we first started this debate most of the group stated Christ to be as "common man"-I objected to that and tried to show He was not common-but rather more than common as man went to a state of sin that Christ did not go too.Bill -this is a very significant difference. If you have changed you view or make a mistake in your earlier statement by claiming Christ the same as "common man" then say so and we move on. Believe it or not I am not focused on proving you wro ng as I am impressed by you and want to learn what God has given you but on this matter it would seem that God gave knowledge to me-but at your level there is much I can learn from you.Can the foot say to the hand:" Hey stop walking and start clapping !". Concerning David M. there is a lot of truth with him and He has a lot to offer us but I cannot find a place of trust for Him (may God show me error if it exists). If my belief is limited I can only hope it is limited to the bible.


You have a Christ who was born perfected from the womb, yet the writer to the Hebrews clearly states that Christ "learned obedience through suffering" and that it was only after "having been perfected" -- that is, after his resurrection even -- that he became the Author of salvation.


cd: Bill as I have shown before. Suffering for a Christian in this world comes from resisting sin and therefore becoming opposed by people that sin.If I am not resisting I am not suffering because I am giving into sin and have no opposition to suffer from. There is also a suffering of the flesh that comes from that flesh wanting sin and our instructed to bring that flesh into subjection to the spirit-but as both Wesley and I believe-there is a place where on can put the flesh under so much subjection that it breaks completely leaving one free from the drawing of the flesh towards sin or even the thoughts of sin this is called "Total sanctification"-I believe Jesus put His flesh under total control. With us it is still possible to fall back into that sin after the second(or deeper level of) sanctification-yet unlikely- but for Christ as it was not possible as He made that falling into sin not possible for Himself through Godly fear.Hope this make sense to you as it works for me.


You have a Christ who was born fully sanctified, yet Jesus himself says, "I sanctify myself (present continuous) that they too might be sanctified by the truth."


cd: Our difference in the area of sanctification has to do with the definition of sanctification and how one applies that term. I believe this to mean:" I keep myself Holy for God to do His work so that you too can become Holy for God because of me and by the truth I live and speak. This meaning does not conflict with what I am stating Bill. Christ kept Himself from sin to help us-no common man ever came close to doing this-so what is being missed in the majority of this group thought?

ySANC'TIFY, v.t. [Low L. sanctifico; from sanctus, holy, and facio, to make.]

1. In a general sense, to cleanse, purify or make holy.

2. To separate, set apart or appoint to a holy, sacred or religious use.

God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it.


You have a Christ who did not experience the temptations of a fallen man, yet Paul writes that he came in the likeness of our sinful flesh, because of sin, that he might condemn sin in the flesh.


cd: I believe Christ put on a flesh (covering) like ours but did not conform to this world which follows Satan as we have as "common men" therefore He was not as we were but as we now are- because of Him ( speaking of course of a mature Christian). Satan had to be giving his chance to lose or hold the world so Christ came in the state Satan controlled (the flesh)-and had claim too in order to take that claim away. He came to the strong man house to bind the strong man in his own house.He defeated the strong man by staying pure and proved He was stronger than the strong man through resistance to impurity.


You have a Christ who did not share in our humanity, yet Luke assures us that he was born of the fruit of David's genitals according to the flesh, and the writer to the Hebrews that as much as we "share in flesh and blood, He Himself likewise also partook of the same," ... that he might assume the nature of Abraham's offspring.


cd:Bill - you misunderstand me in this area-Christ did share in our humanity-even in flesh and blood as David and Abraham's offspring.


Indeed their is enough here to warrant a second look, Dean. But if you will not budge, then I must respectfully request that you please keep silent about things you cannot see.


cd: Sorry Bill I chose not to remain silent as that would mean not to offer a different view and I encourage you to also not keep silent by answering my last post to you on this issue or simple go on to another issue.Here's one that John brought to the table:Can Children sin and be accountable for sin-your thoughts? By the way be nice:-) Thanks bro. 



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