Hello Christine:
If you and your dad are NOT on the side of "neither male nor female" as per the Scriptures then, you (both) are on the side of "suppression". Also, that would place you (both) against the Lord on this issue. What is happening to you at the U of F is simply comparable to the practice within your family "unit" so, get over it.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: January 30, 2006 17:52
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Tolerance & Offense

Lance wrote:
As to suppression of free speech..well..it'd appear that that's what takes place within your family unit..at least for the females.

Excuse me, but as a female within my father's family unit, I can tell you that there is no suppression of free speech. My father is extremely tolerant, and his accepting attitude has always given me the freedom to express myself. I would advise list members to speak on subjects which they know. I know my father, and you are off the mark.


Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
'feminine approach'??  'emasculates society'?? One would, at the very least, have to grant you your gila monster-like tenacity when you latch onto a way of seeing, David. As to suppression of free speech..well..it'd appear that that's what takes place within your family unit..at least for the females. I actually believe that the particular hatred you express herein may stem from some disorder originating in your youth concerning your 'male identity'.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: January 29, 2006 21:19
Subject: [TruthTalk] Tolerance & Offense

There are two approaches to the problem of people being offended.  One approach is to have speakers work hard at not ever offending anyone.  I call this the feminine approach.  It basically emasculates society and suppresses free speech.
The other approach is to teach people to be tolerant and not to take offense when someone presents a strong argument.  I think this is the better approach.  Obviously people should not be so insensitive that they railroad over people, but our society as become way too feminized when signs in public places that promote righteousness and serving God offend them.
David Miller.

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