Judy wrote:
> A body has no mind of it's own so it's our
> nature that calls the shots and the one Jesus
> came into this world with was pure and holy.

Here is another reason you do not understand my thinking on this.  The body 
DOES have a mind of its own.  I know of this from biology, but the Bible 
spoke of it thousands of years ago in Romans 8:6.

Romans 8:6
(6) For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life 
and peace.

Two minds are mentioned here, Judy.  Without accepting a dualistic view of 
the human makeup, the physical and spiritual, I'm not sure how this can be 

Notice the follow up verses here.

Romans 8:7-8
(7) Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to 
the law of God, neither indeed can be.
(8) So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.

The medium of the carnal mind is the brain.  The brain is created by a 
physical transmission of genetic information from parents to child.  Where 
did the brain of Jesus come from?  I believe his brain was created by the 
physical transmission of genetic information from Mary, which ultimately 
came through David, Abraham, and Adam.  This genetic information that was 
passed to him, that created the brain and hence the carnal mind, is under 
the curse.  The spirit of Jesus, on the other hand, was not under the curse. 
It is pure, holy, and unique.  You keep harping on this second part, that 
the spiritual nature of Jesus was holy.  I AGREE WITH YOU on this point. 
However, there is another nature to man, his physical nature, which is at 
odds with the spiritual nature.  The question is, did Jesus have this kind 
of physical nature.  Did he have a brain that operated like ours does, that 
is somewhat like a computer but much more complicated, that causes emotions, 
passions, appetites, and inclinations toward choosing to behave in a certain 
way?  I believe he had this human brain, and that is really all I am making 
a case for.  Perhaps you don't understand the extent to which our physical 
bodies operate, or the role that our physical brain plays in shaping our 
choices.  Maybe you do understand that, I don't know, but if you don't, that 
might explain some of the reason why we are having trouble communicating on 
this issue.

Dean brought up that he did not believe that Jesus ever needed to attend 
school, nor would he ever miss any questions on a test.  I wonder if you 
also believe this.  Can you tell me if you agree with him on this point?

David Miller 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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