Innocent until....
----- Original Message -----
Sent: February 04, 2006 13:31
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] the FWs about free speech thingy

If you cannot find such, then I will apologize to you.

DAVEH:   Yikes........Did I really write that (yes).......I need to reread stuff before I post it!  What I meant to say Dean, is that it is YOU who should apologize to me IF you cannot find evidence of me saying to the effect that I supported this right to harm others.

I don't have the time nor the inclination to do so

DAVEH:  OK Dean......To make this simple for you, let me state FTR that I have never said that I supported this right to harm others.  For you to make that claim is another false accusation, and you should apologize for making it.  Failing that, your comment that I assure you that I will bend over backwards to give you fairness is merely empty words that once again represents another lie, as you apparently have no intention of being fair

balls in your court play it or drop it your choice:-)

    FWIW.....I find it very interesting (if not telling) that you simply make stuff up, and then stubbornly stick to it with no concern for it's impact if it is erroneous.  As I've stated before, it is easy to prove what I've said by merely quoting my previously posted words.  However, it is impossible to prove a negative, so I have no way to post the words I didn't say.  So no, Dean....the ball is NOT in my court.  The ball is in the court of the person making the false this case, YOU!  You made the claim, and the onus is upon you to prove it or apologize.  Let me give you some advice, Dean......You'd be smart in this case to swallow your pride and apologize for making the false accusation.  Tenaciously holding to a lie speaks volumes about a guy who claims to be fair.

     Think about the logic of it, Dean.  Here you are in TruthTalk, purporting to be fair (presumably as a moderator, though you did not specifically say such) AND a Christian making up a bold faced lie about somebody (me) that you are trying to convince that Mormonism is a lie, and then you have the audacity to say.........

If you think I am going to search archive for you -you are mistaken.

..............implying you are too arrogantly righteous to need to prove your own words.  Then you simply think you can put the burden of proof.......

if you want to prove your innocence

...........on the accused!  Is that really how you want TTers to view your self perceived image of fairness, Dean???

Dean Moore wrote:

DAVEH:  You have only been a moderator one day, Dean........and already you are posting lies.  If you will post my comments that suggest that I supported this right to harm others, then I will apologize to you.  If you cannot find such, then I will apologize to you.  Until then, it is obvious to me that you are making stuff up to cast me in a dim light and diminish what I have truly said.

DAVEH:   OK........Then I will expect you to not falsely accuse without evidence to support you accusation.
cd: If you think I am going to search archive for you -you are mistaken.I don't have the time nor the inclination to do so now-but if you want to prove your innocence then use these keywords-"DaveH" and "Fighting words"- search a couple of years back should bring results-balls in your court play it or drop it your choice:-)

Dave Hansen
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