My current comments in red below.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006 2:41 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Question Regarding Covenants & Salvation

The fact that they had 
not even heard of the Holy Ghost told Paul that something was wrong here. 
He knew already that they had been baptized, and apparently he had assumed 
that they had been baptized in the name of Jesus.
DAVEH:   Yes indeed.....Paul knew that something was extremely wrong.  Had they been baptized by John, they would have known about the HG......

[2] He said unto them, Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? And they said unto him, We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost.
[3] And he said unto them, Unto what then were ye baptized? And they said, Unto John's baptism.
[4] Then said Paul, John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance, saying unto the people, that they should believe on him which should come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus. it seems apparent that John's baptism had nothing to do with their baptism, otherwise they would have known about him which should come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus.  IOW....They weren't properly baptized.  Unlike Jesus, these guys had been baptized by a counterfeit John.  Hence the need for Paul to baptize them again.
I have problems with your line of thinking here, Dave.  John's baptism did not involve faith in Jesus Christ and receiving the Holy Spirit.  John indeed had testified about one who was coming that would baptize them with the Holy Ghost, but his baptism did not lead them to hope to receiving the Holy Spirit.  It only made them ready to believe upon Messiah by causing them to repent of their sins. 
Baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and John's baptism are two different things.  John's baptism was a baptism of repentance with a hope that Messiah would soon come.  Christ's baptism was a baptism of repentance and also a placing of the person into the body of Christ, with a hope of receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost.  I think that all those baptized by John, were later rebaptized by the apostles of Christ, as they came to believe upon him as their Messiah.

DaveH wrote:
FWIW.....Jesus was baptized by John, and did
not need rebaptism.

I'm not sure what this rebaptism statement is suppose to mean.  What's the

DAVEH:    I believe John had the proper authority to baptize (witness Jesus' baptism), yet those who Paul baptized thought they had been baptized unto John's baptism, but the fact that they had really NOT been baptized unto John's baptism meant that their first baptism was ineffective....unlike Jesus' baptism which was proper and effective.  Does that make sense?
I think that I understand what you are saying, but I'm not in agreement with it.  There was nobody else that I am aware of who ministered baptism like John and the apostles of Jesus Christ.  The baptisms in Judaism were more ritualistic like that found in Islam.  There was no call for repentance followed by baptism.
I assume that Paul was probably first approached by these Ephesians.  They probably discussed with Paul the concept of John's gospel message and the baptism that it entailed.  Paul evidentally came to understand that these were baptized disciples waiting for Messiah's return.  John the Baptist's message and baptism is very similar to that of Christ's.  When he asked them if they had received the promise of the Holy Ghost, and they said they had not heard of the Holy Ghost, then he realized that their baptism was not unto Christ, so he asked, what then were you baptized unto?  They said, "unto John's baptism."  Paul never questioned that, but rather it told him what he needed to know.  They had not yet heard the full gospel.  So Paul explained to them that John had foretold that they should believe on him that would come after him.  Well, that person who came after hime was Jesus Christ.  The Messiah they were waiting for had come already.  Now these disciples were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.
So I can't see where these Ephesians had not been baptized by John the Baptist.  Is there some extra-biblical revelation in Mormonism that teaches this? 
David Miller.

David Miller wrote:
DaveH wrote:
It seems obvious (to me) that whoever baptized them
did not have the proper authority.  If faith were the
pivotal factor, why would they need to be rebaptized?

Because their faith was not in Jesus Christ when they were baptized.  The 
problem was not authority.  The problem was that their covenant was with the 
Father through the baptism of repentance.  Now they were hearing the gospel 
to which their previous covenant had pointed them.  Once they heard about 
Jesus Christ and the promise of the Holy Spirit, they were baptized in the 
name of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Now faith could operate.  Before, faith 
could not operate because they had never heard of Jesus Christ or of the 
Holy Spirit.

Notice that nowhere in the passage does Paul say, "who baptized you."  The 
question was, "have you received the Holy Ghost."  The fact that they had 
not even heard of the Holy Ghost told Paul that something was wrong here. 
He knew already that they had been baptized, and apparently he had assumed 
that they had been baptized in the name of Jesus.  Then he baptized them in 
the name of the Lord Jesus, because they had never received that kind of 
baptism.  Their faith previously was in what John preached.  Now their faith 
was in the person of Jesus Christ.

DaveH wrote:
These 12 had the faith, but not the
proper baptism, IMO.

They did not have faith in Jesus Christ.  They had faith that God was 
bringing the kingdom of God to them and so they were baptized unto 

DaveH wrote:
After their proper baptism, then Paul laid his
hands upon them and conferred the Holy Ghost.
FWIW.....Jesus was baptized by John, and did
not need rebaptism.

I'm not sure what this rebaptism statement is suppose to mean.  What's the 

David Miller 


Dave Hansen
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