Why is sexism a bad thing, Lance? I know you have been brainwashed to understand that term to mean something horrible and unethical, but we would be foolish to ignore that men and women are different from one another. I appreciate you offering me an apology, but I was not offended by Dean's remarks. Even if I was offended, Dean is entitled to his opinion, and should not lose his office of Moderator for having an opinion that isn't politically correct. You are attempting to institute Thought Crime, here, Lance.

I'm pretty sure George Orwell wrote "1984" as a warning, not as a How-to Book.

Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Sorry Judy? How about sorry Christine, Mrs. David Miller, Mrs. everybody who might read this thoroughly sexist remark. How about David 'lifting' you as Moderator (?) immediately? This remark, IMO, goes far beyond the minor engagement between DH and miscellaneous others.
As to the latter Dean, it is always wise to know when someone WON'T be 'proven wrong' on an issue. I perceive that this is one of those, Dean.
----- Original Message -----
From: Dean Moore
Sent: February 08, 2006 11:49
Subject: [TruthTalk] Fem. God- Dave H. get bathing suit.

----- Original Message -----
From: Lance Muir
Sent: 2/8/2006 11:34:58 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Rightousness (jd 2 cd)

Originality not being your strong suit Dean, you are to be commended on parroting Judy's perpetual jibe. As neither of you knows whereof you speak, we'll just smile in response. Of all things that I'd not anticipated from you, JT & DM was 'buddying up' with the Mormons. You may just be out of your league as Moderator. You are out of your league theologically. Mayhap a call to DM would prove helpful prior entering the ring on this one again. You will need much more than Webster's dictionary, I'm afraid.\
cd: :-) Hello DavH O' buddy how are you today-aren't you glad our God isn't feminine so the earth won't be flooded once a month(sorry Judy-but I'm getting visions of an angry female God with lighting bolts-scary)?So Lance why don't you prove me wrong instead of waiting to agree with the disagreeables.
----- Original Message -----
From: Dean Moore
Sent: February 08, 2006 11:14
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Rightousness (jd 2 cd)

----- Original Message -----
From: Lance Muir
Sent: 2/8/2006 10:56:08 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Rightousness (jd 2 cd)

FWIW Bill, I'd suggest that we leave Dean, DM, JT and perhaps even DH, to Amen one another on this issue. You are correct that they are flirting with a position remarkably close to the Mormons. One can 'hear' the level of certitude being expressed. 
cd: Well .Lance that could leave you time to work on you language-what is it called again? Dancing English? A language that changes meaning when you want it to-which will go well with your Dancing bible and your Dancing gospel. 
----- Original Message -----
From: Dean Moore
Sent: February 08, 2006 10:10
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Rightousness (jd 2 cd)

----- Original Message -----
From: Taylor
Sent: 2/7/2006 10:15:34 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Rightousness (jd 2 cd)

cd: Is Jesus male or female John/Lance/Bill-If he is God as you say what is he?
Jesus is a man, Dean, and he is God -- two natures in one person. Please stop confusing the two.
You create God in Adam's image, and Judy calls us earthly minded: what a joke! Have you considered how close you are getting to a doctrine which claims that God the Father came down and had physical-sexual intercourse with Mary? You do claim he is male, don't you? That's like saying, since he has the equipment, why didn't he use it? This is ridiculous. "Male" is a physical/biological term. "Father" is a relational term, the same with "Son." You don't have to confuse the two. Yes, sometimes these terms coincide, but they are not requited to. Please, brother, stop with the accusations and smears (what has gotten into you?!), and just consider for a moment what you are suggesting: that God, being Spirit, has to have male attributes, over against female or a mixture of both -- as if he must have something between his legs or he can't be God. My gosh, people, he is Spirit; he is neither male, nor female -- nor both. Stop with the foolishness.
cd: I realize you guys will not accept the Webster definition for the meaning of English words- as the rest of the world does- and have developed a whole new language but that is what I am using. To have a masculine quality is to be a male. God doesn't have a sexual organ as one is not needed in heaven as He can create humans from rocks or bones and still be the provider for the family as is the Father of a family. Thank you for the using words like silly-foolish and such like as you are only verifying my position in Jesus Christ and building my future:-) Notice # 4 if you are able-in the English language one can be male without the organ .Hence a masculine spirit is a male spirit-What are you not getting Bill-is all that dancing around making you tired?
M`ASCULINE, a. [L. masculinus, from masculus, mas.]
1. Having the qualities of a man; strong; robust; as a masculine body.
2. Resembling man; coarse; opposed to delicate or soft; as masculine features.
3. Bold; brave; as a masculine spirit or courage.
4. In grammar,the masculine gender of words is that which expresses a male, or something analogous to it; or it is the gender appropriated to males, though not always expressing the male sex.

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