Blaine, considering that I am an identical twin myself, I do understand how 
what you just said would be a reality check for astrology.  :-)

David Miller
Born March 3, 1960
4:50 am
Cleveland, Ohio.
In a snow blizzard that dumped 24 inches of snow.

> David Miller
> p.s. Blaine... my astrological sign is pices. I guess that astrology isn't
> helping you be too predictive after all. :-)

Thank you David, I have wondered about that.  Pisces is my opposite sign, 
and, being the sign of transition from Winter to Spring, is next to Aries, 
the sign that ushers in Springtime (1st degree Aries is also the first day 
of Spring).    I believe all things are written in the stars--the trick is 
in reading them accurately. :>)    I try, and sometimes get pretty close to 
people by doing so.  But humans are so complex!!  Astrology helps, but is 
not, of course, infallible.  But thanks for being open--lots of people will 
not divulge their birth info to me, probably think by doing so I might form 
unjustified opinions of them.  :>)

One thing, though, without precise birth info--date, time of day, and place 
of birth--you can't tell too much beyond generalities. The beauty of precise 
astrological analysis is that no two personalities can ever be the same--not 
even identical twins--which is a reality check for astrology few people 

> ----- Original Message ----- 
> Sent: Monday, February 13, 2006 2:07 PM
> Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Behind the scenes conversations re:David Miller
> In a message dated 2/13/2006 12:02:28 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,
> I've not forgotten you, David. IMO, you are both incorrect and immoveable 
> on
> at least a portion of that which is under discussion. What I've got to
> determine is whether or not it is worth the 'ink' to engage further with 
> you
> given what I've just said. I'm checking around with some who've read you
> over time.
> Lance.
> Yes, David is pretty fixed--he was probably born under one of the four 
> fixed
> signs--Leo, Taurus, Scorpio, or Aquarius. Or, he's one of those highly
> independent Aries characters, who never admit to being wrong!! If I knew
> for sure, I could read him better.
> Blainerb
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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