Wrong picture, John.  Take insulting and malicious comments like this private, please.
David Miller.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2006 5:25 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The door to understanding

Picture the format of a typical political cartoon.   See David Miller towering over a rather humble looking John Smithson.    David's eyes are narrow and his rather bushy eyebrows have a devilish slant to them.   A smile is on his face, one which some would confuse with a snear.  His hands are behind his back ---   clutching a  large butcher knife dripping with the fresh  blood of a previous opponent as he speaks these words: 
 "If you are open to my questions, then please tell us the name of your church and the pastors with whom you are in leadership there.  You said you were a pastor in Sanger.  Is that pastor of Sanger Foursquare Church or some other fellowship?  If I am misunderstanding something that you were trying to communicate, then please clarify.  Thanks."
Get the picture?
-------------- Original message --------------
From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> John wrote:
> > Why would you go to the trouble of checking
> > me out ? What if David decides that I need
> > to be exposed and consults with these leaders?
> Exposed for what? I don't see that there is anything to expose. You said
> that you were speaking as one in leadership. You identified your gift as
> one of being a pastor. This created a curiosity in me to understand more of
> your leadership role in your church. Don't make more of it than that. If I
> did speak about you, John, you can be sure that I would only speak of the
> good which I find in you. It would be a sin to speak evil of a brother in
> Christ, or to gossip about him in a way that would cast him in a negative
> light.
> John wrote:
> > Please n ote my willingness to be open with
> > your questioning and your refusal to be equally
> > so in regards to a number of your claims over
> > the past two years.
> I'm not aware of my making any "claims" much less of being uncooperative
> concerning questions about such claims. Can you tell me what you are
> talking about?
> If you are open to my questions, then please tell us the name of your church
> and the pastors with whom you are in leadership there. You said you were a
> pastor in Sanger. Is that pastor of Sanger Foursquare Church or some other
> fellowship? If I am misunderstanding something that you were trying to
> communicate, then please clarify. Thanks.
> David Miller.
> ----------
> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how
> you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org
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