Lance wrote:
> Main point from Dean: A child can 'understand'.
> To some extent a child CAN understand.
> However, ... a child does NOT have the
> capacity to sign on TT and resolve matters of
> difference say, between Bill Taylor and David
> Miller.

I'm with Lance on this one.  Let me make a parallel point.

Salvation is not based upon intellect, and therefore salvation is not based 
upon any intellectual understanding.  All that is needed is to hear the 
truth and believe it.  There is a basic level of spiritual understanding, 
but for the most part, intellect is not involved.  It is a hearing and faith 

Now knowledge can go far beyond this.  So can understanding.  This knowledge 
and understanding produces good, and so we appreciate it.  But such does not 
make the knowledgeable and intelligent better than the ignorant and those of 
average or below average intelligence.  Knowledge and intelligence are only 
different functions within the body of Christ.  Just as the eye is not 
better than the ear, mouth, or foot, so it is with the intellectual versus 
the non-intellectual.

What I see Judy and Dean objecting to is the elevation of intellectual 
understanding to a place where it ought not be.  In other words, must one 
understand the teachings of Torrance, Barth, etc. in order to experience the 
Lord?  Are the ones who have studied the writings of these theologians 
better off than the ones who have not?

Last point for Judy.  When we get into deeper theological studies, we often 
do so without the participation of children.  For example, at my home church 
meeting last Sunday, we got into eschatology, studying a little about the 
last days, the antichrist, etc.  There was a good bit of history and Judeo 
background that I discussed.  What I shared was far beyond my youngest 
children's ability to understand, so I don't require them to sit in on such 
discussions.  However, there were many adults there who were interested and 
could understand and interact.  So what do we do?  Do we skip the study 
because children can't understand, or do we allow the children and adults to 
persue different paths in their studies?  I opt for the latter.  Do you 
understand where I am coming from?

David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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