----- Original Message -----
From: Lance Muir
Sent: 2/26/2006 7:34:48 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] *********** To all list members-ModeratorComment***************

IFO took your, and Judy's, evaluation of John Calvin to be nothing short of an insult. However, should you 'rule' on this matter thus eliminating your/my assessment to be off limits then, we would have no ongoing dialogue.
cd: Maybe to John Calvin but not towards you-see the difference?If the truth insults then that person needs to change not the truth. If I were to say that John Lennon was a pig-that is acceptable as I am not making a personal attack on you.But if I were to insult you by calling you names then I have personally attacked you and would be in error to do so Lance. If I were to say to DavH : Mormons are stupid I have not attacked DavH but rather my attack was on the teaching of Mormonism. In short-express your self but don't let it get personal.
By the way, wasn't there some kind of mystery 'rule' about not responding to posts with the above  subject heading?
No-there isn't any "new rule". This is the same rule Perry enforced. If I make the call that someone has broken the Ad. Hom. rule- that protects others from verbal assaults- then reply to that in private. If I did not enforce this then the issue of that person wrongs will become part of the debate and become unsolvable as others got involved.-this is for you protection as well as others. The non-enforcing of some past Moderators has lead to many good minds leaving this site.If these attacks continue Lance it will only be a couple of people here and how long can two /three people carry on the same conversation?
----- Original Message -----
From: Dean Moore
Sent: February 26, 2006 07:10
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] *********** To all list members-Moderator Comment***************

----- Original Message -----
From: Lance Muir
Sent: 2/26/2006 4:13:42 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] *********** To all list members-Moderator Comment***************

You spoke my question "G"?????????
Moderator-This simply means that the rules against insults and personal attacks are going to be unforced by me-others are under my protection and will get fair treatment-I owe that to God not to those who will not keep their agreement and abide by the rules.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: February 25, 2006 18:07
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] *********** To all list members-Moderator Comment***************

ftr, what does this mean?
On Sat, 25 Feb 2006 16:40:32 -0500 "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I plan on enforcing the rules of protection on TT against those who love ch[ao]s

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