FWIW in the Religion section of The Daily Break, Virginia Pilot yesterday there was a photo taken
by Delores Johnson, staff photographer of young parishoners at St. Luke Catholic Church in VaBch
on their knees paying "homage to the host" during prayer and "adoration"
Do you know what the "host" is Lance?  It is a wafer left over from the mass that sits in the clear glass
center of a cross garnished with golden spokes that is called a "monstrance" ..  this sits on a table
surrounded by votives and candles with the deceived and gullible kneeling to it and worshipping it 
as Christ.  What blasphemy!!  Tell me, what is the difference between doing this and the worship
of Tammuz Queen of heaven?. 
Because a deceived RC priest announces that this is the physical embodiment of Christ does not
make it so and in our section of the country ppl are having all night "adoration" meetings where they
call themselves "spending time before the Lord" even going so far as to walk out backwards when
they leave because they do not wish to turn their backs on Christ.
Lord help us!!! 

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