Lance wrote:
All religions are equal opportunity 'throat-slitters'.

Do you believe there is such a thing as a false religion? Can someone have a false belief?

Acts 5:38-39 is an excellent argument against Islamism, thank you. No one should forcibly oppose a person who wishes to discuss doctrine or thoughts. When they seek to kill me because I don't accept their prophet, they are going against the advice offered in here in Acts 5. I would like to point out that, however sensitive a person you may be, raising discussion on the validity of a person's beliefs is not forcibly opposing them, or attacking them. There is a difference there that aren't recognizing.

Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
All religions are equal opportunity 'throat-slitters'. I did not believe you were threatening such an action, Christine. Do I believe that circumstances could exist where you might? Yes.
I believe that those who foment violence are accountable for that which ensues. On a macro level that, IMO, includes the US presence where it ought not be. On a micro level that includes persons who, while well intentioned, ought not be doing that which they are doing.
God is a 'globalist'!. How could he not be? He's God! God embraces plurality! Once again, He's God! God 'hears' everything that everyone says without exception.
I suggest that you continue to follow your conscience while bearing in mind Acts 5:38,39.

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