Lance, there's a difference between the titles people take on for themselves and what they really do or believe. There are a ton of people who call themselves Christians, but they do not really believe and submit to Christ.

This is the same thing James was talking about when he spoke of dead faith. If you tell a cold man to be warm without making any effort to help him be warm, you are not being sincere in your words. People do it all the time with titles.

We can discuss whether or not believers have done wrongly in history, but do you first see why we make this distinction?

Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ask yourself the question 'What are believers/christians/followers of Christ capable of? You've got problems enough inside the box (USA) but, when you think outside the box (exporting your own problems around the globe) well...I leave it to the honest among you..

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