DAVEH:  OK Dean, I understand your sensitivity to such and will respond without using the words you find objectionable.   I would like to continue to discuss this, as I find it interesting to see how SPers think.

    I am curious as to why one would still show up on somebody's doorstep when an objectionable topic is mentioned rather than discuss it with them via the phone or email?  What is to be accomplished by a personal visit?  Most folks would understand such a visit to be a physical threat, even though it could be claimed that the offended has a constitutional right to confront the offender.

    The reason I ask this is because it seems to me that many SPers seemed surprised that they are physically attacked when confronting sinners on the streets.  Yet they feel compelled to stare the jaws of death (so to speak) in the mouth.  Is this a martyr complex of sorts?  Does it give SPers confidence if they are persecuted for the Lord's sake?  I suppose an argument can be made that if one dies while in the service of the Lord, it would be a feather in the cap of the persecuted while at the same time driving the persecutor even deeper into hell.  To me that seems like rather odd logic, considering that the SPer (or guy showing up on the doorstep) is somewhat a catalyst in this scenario.  IOW....Is a SPer guilty of promoting a problem when he uses his constitutionally guaranteed free speech to aggravate a situation that can and will likely turn to violence?

Dean Moore wrote:
 Moderator: Wouldn't have to show up in Portland DaveH-all I would have to do is click a button and my problem is solved and that is exactly what I going to do the next time you use the words-****************** in the combination that you used them below. Discussion over-warning given!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 3/5/2006 12:52:41 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

DAVEH:   Dean, from what you said previously about the oneness of husband and wife, if I were to ask you about ************,, you would take that as a personal attack on ****** and would then presume it to be a personal attack on you as well, and then proceed to come to Portland and show up on my doorstep.....is that correct?  Wouldn't it be smarter just to say the same thing to me via email or a phone call, rather than show up on my doorstep?  What would be accomplished by coming to Portland? 

    If I were then to assume you are on my doorstep for a reason other than an amicable discussion, and felt my life was being threatened by your presence on my doorstep, I would probably not answer the door.  Wouldn't that just frustrate your reason for going to all that effort, cost, time and travel in an effort to come to my doorstep?  Would you proceed to pound on my doo r expecting me to open it?  If I did not respond to your pounding, then what would you do?  And if you continued to pound on my door, what would you do if I opened it with a gun in my hand, as I might do if I perceived you as being a threat to me in my home? 

    At that point, if you turned and left, nothing else would happen and you would have spent a lot of effort for little reason other than to satisfy your pride.  If on the other hand you were to raise the level of confrontation by arguing, and if I misunderstood the reasons you were on my doorstep confronting me and refusing to leave, would you be surprised if it led to a lethal action on my part?

    IF that above scenario were to occur, how do you think the law would view this matter?  Would I be found guilty of manslaughter, or would you be guilty of threatening my life to the point of my using justifiable lethal means in self-defense?  In my defense, I'm sure my lawyer would quote your comment..... ...

Dave Hansen
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