Judy wrote:
> What reason would anyone on TT have
> to assume that a lifelong Mormon is also
> a Christian?

Following is how my dictionary defines a Christian:

noun (plural Chris·tians)
1. believer in Jesus Christ as savior: somebody who believes that Jesus 
Christ was sent to the world by God to save humanity, and who tries to 
follow his teachings and example

If we accept the secular definition of believer as somebody who believes in 
the teachings of a particular religious faith, then from my perspective, 
Mormonism falls into this category of Christian.  This does not mean that 
they have the right belief system, or that any of them will be saved.  It 
simply places them in the Christian category, as a religious sect that is 
centered on the idea that Jesus Christ is the Savior sent by God to save 
humanity.  There are false sects within Christianity, and I think the Mormon 
sects are among them.

David Miller.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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