cd; Why can't this so-called Bible expert come and speak for himself so we can see if his words stand the Bible test-So far the dancing brotherhood have fallen way short-To dizzy from all the dancing around passages in the Bible to get a solid footing on truth.
----- Original Message -----
From: Lance Muir
Sent: 3/11/2006 12:32:51 PM
Subject: [TruthTalk] Conversation with Major Tom Tuppenney - Salvation Army

Director Harbor Light Mission Toronto - 10 years
Director Harbor Light Mission Detroit - 5 years
We discussed the responses I received on TT. He was outraged at the burden you'd lay on believers as a result of a theology absent grace. In addition to that which was previously spoken of, he wondered whether any of you have friends with psychological disorders? Does one suggest: read the bible more, pray harder, take the truth more seriously, stop believing the lies of the evil one...fill in the blank.
My goodness! ..if y'all have simple, doable, quick solutions for believers vis a vis sin so that those persons my friend is 'wasting his time and money and counselling on' then, I'll send him along to see you or better, I'll have him offer you a position at a soon to be ex-addiction center.

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