an Idol worshiper a Pagan

DAVEH:  As I see it Dean, I don't worship idols.  So for you to call me a pagan would be a false accusation.  Do I get an apology for making that false representation?

if not then can I wittiness on TT?

DAVEH:   Your wittiness on TT surely brings a smile to many, Judge Dean!     :-)

Dean Moore wrote:

Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] DaveH is a pagan ?????

They'd be of their father the devil - at least that's how I understand it.  jt
cd; But we cannot tell them that here Judy-Wonder if we can call a Sodomite a queer on TT? Or can we call a Homo a Sodomite without offending him?How about calling a Homo- Gay? How about calling a idol worshipper an Idol worshiper or an Idol worshiper a Pagan.I mean- what can we call those that do such thing-Christians?Do we have to refer to all as the Godly-as not to offend them and the owner of this site? Can we as Christians even express the Truth of what category God places the infidels on this site-No! As the name infidels can offend the infidel.We are commanded by God to carry his message all over the world-but we not allowed to do so on TT? I say if one is placed into a category them let the one that spoke the truth prove this is what the person is-and if the shoe fits let them wear it-at least then one will know in which he stands in the judgement.That is by no means harming others-on the contrary it is helping others-and I for on e would be afraid of the God that commanded His to do suc h if I stood against such a command-anywhere/anytime. That is the exact reason I did not hinder Sarah from preaching in SLC.One should wait and hear if the preachers is speaking truth-and if so be silent. In my short life I have learned that God's word does indeed shed light on groups and individuals-it exposed the works of darkness for what they are-can my light shine on TT-if not then can I wittiness on TT?If not-am I not directed to go to the next town after shaking the dust off my feet as a testimony AGAINST them? Yes I am Judy!

Isa 58:1 Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and show my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins.

On Fri, 10 Mar 2006 04:57:44 -0800 (PST) Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
So would they be called Pagan christians?
Idol worshipping christians?
Non christian christian?

Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Because some ppl teach that you can cling to pagan ideas and still be a Christian since everyone was included in the "incarnation"  right JD?
DH  can make the point but let me chime in here, as well.  
"You ..  are a pagan"   is not the same as "Your beliefs are pagan>"  
Those who have eyes, let them see, Lord.  jd
On Thu, 09 Mar 2006 21:47:54 +0000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
You DaveH are a Pagan.
DAVEH:   I respectfully disagree, Judge Dean.  To me, your above comment is a blatant ad-hom
Why is attacking your genuinely held beliefs an attack on your person?
Seriously; can you expound?            KD

-------------- Original message --------------
From: Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
You DaveH are a Pagan.
DAVEH:   I respectfully disagree, Judge Dean.  To me, your above comment is a blatant ad-hom
Why is attacking your genuinely held beliefs an attack on your person?
Seriously; can you expound?

Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I called you a Mormon-to which you do not deny-You called me a Christian to wit I did not deny. By doing so you separated the two-and as receiving the first (Mormon) and tagging me with the second(Christian) you have clearly showed yourself to be non Christian

DAVEH:   What kind of convoluted logic is that, Judge Dean???  Does any other TTer who understands what Dean said above, agree with his explanation?

You DaveH are a Pagan.

DAVEH:   I respectfully disagree, Judge Dean.  To me, your above comment is a blatant ad-hom, and I will request Judge Moore take the appropriate action if you do not wish to apologize.

he fact that you do not follow the teaching of Jesus Christ

DAVEH:  Is that coming from Judge Dean, or Judge Moore?

Get over it the truth is not an Ad. Homein attack

DAVEH:  Really?!?!?!?!   Did you just make a new TT rule, Judge Moore?  Or was that Judge Dean expressing his unfounded wishes?

state a petition to impeach me

DAVEH:   Seems to me that you are doing a good job of it on your own.

I am not Judge Dean

DAVEH:  Then am I to assume that every time you pass judgment, you are speaking as Judge Moore?

by your standards isn't that Ad. Homein attacking

DAVEH:  ???   I thought we were playing the game by your standards, Judge Dean!   Hence.....Get over it the truth is not an Ad. Homein attack according to you.

< FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff>I will have to go to the Moderator

DAVEH:   I've not had much luck with him, but I suspect he will listen to you.

Are you implying Dean called you such NAMES?

DAVEH:    I'll let Judge Dean answer that, Kevin..........I say/demand again " Get the "Church of Jesus Christ" name off your temple Pagan!!!
cd: Hey- that is Judge Moore to you buddy. You are the one that put a separation between Christianity and Mormonism-in you comment -and when I declare that by doing so this is Paganism you state crying .
My Comment:
Is it the Mormon in you doing such-or are you just plain mean?
Your reply:
So let me ask you, Dean......Is it the Christian in you doing such-or are you just plain mean?
I called you a Mormon-to which you do not deny-You called me a Christian to wit I did not deny. By doing so you separated the two-and as receiving the first (Mormon) and tagging me with the second(Christian) you have clearly showed yourself to be non Christian-To be non-Christian is to be a Pagan. You DaveH are a Pagan.The fact that you do not follow the teaching of Jesus Christ is a deeper conformation of that point.
 Get over it the truth is not an Ad. Homein attack- or state a petition to impeach me.I am not Judge Dean -by your standards isn't that Ad. Homein attacking-better stop or I will have to go to the Moderator.Hey -Judge Moore Moderate this!

Kevin Deegan wrote:
Are you implying Dean called you such NAMES?

Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dave why are you trying to fuel dissection between the groups?

DAVEH:   Hmmmmmmmm........well, I hadn't thought about dissecting you guys, but it is a tempting thought you've given me!      ;-)

Is it the Mormon in you doing such-or are you just plain mean?

DAVEH:  LOL......Sometimes I think SPers are their own worst enemy!  You have the power to push the button that bars me from TT, Dean.  If you do such, I don't think your problems will all go with me.   I've been called a pagan here, a snake in the grass, satan's messenger boy........and I've been falsely accused of condoning violence against SPers.  So let me ask you, Dean......Is it the Christian in you doing such-or are you just plain mea n?

Dean Moore wrote:
cd:Dave why are you trying to fuel dissection between the groups??Is it the Mormon in you doing such-or are you just plain mean?.
----- Original Message -----
F rom: Lance Muir
Sent: 3/7/2006 11:03:40 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] ***************Respose - Moderator commentADHOM*************

The latter.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: March 07, 2006 10:10
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] ***************Respose - Moderator comment ADHOM*************

IFO would not have such an assessment of anyone on TT.

DAVEH:   Is that is because you do not consider yourself a protected friend of the moderator and fear reprisal, Lance.... .or is it because you have a measure of respect for TT rules and other TTers?

Lance Muir wrote:
So Kevin, at least I know where we stand. Thanks for the clarity in your judgment. IFO would not have such an assessment of anyone on TT.

 Dave Hansen
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