Can anyone find an example of an ADDICTED Believer in the scriptures?

Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Sat, 11 Mar 2006 04:15:59 +0000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
The cross,  presenting that sacrifice delivered once and for all time,  gives the addicted believer all the time in this world to get the job done because he is ALREADY reconciled to God in Christ.  
I thought it was Christ who had already gotten the job done; if the victory has already been won. What is the problem?  An addict is a slave who has no power to get anything done.
And why are there only a few addicted believers?   Because they have been told a lie by the FAther of Lies.   DON'T TRY because TRYING IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH  !!!   CHRIST DEATH HAS NO MEANING FOR YOU IF YOU CANNOT BE LIKE HIM  !!  HIS VICTORY IS NOT SOVEREIGN !!
Wrong; there are lots and lots of addicted "so called" believers and pornography is rampant in what calls itself the
church. If you call yourself a leader JD you need to be weeping between the porch and the altar over the state of things.  There is no fear of God in the land and just like Israel we don't believe that God really means what he says.
Lance's friend understands that we who are in Christ are no longer defined by the Adamic situation.   The addicted believers are defined by the One in whom they have faith AND NOT THEIR SIN.    It is to their own Master that they stand or fall AND THEY WILL BE MADE TO STAND   (Romans 14:4).   Praise God for the hope we have in Christ. 
Not if they don't want to stand they won't; Lance's friend and his proteges must hate sin enough to depart from it.
God will not force them to make the choice and Jesus is not a cover for sin.  Fear of God must be learned and
"Fear of God is what will cause one to depart from evil"
You JD are guilty of promoting a false assurance and a false security which will not stand in the day of the Lord...
I wonder how many there will be saying "Bishop Smithson told me I had plenty of time to decide...."
-------------- Original message --------------
From: Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Believers in bondage to sin
Married Bachelors
Square circles

Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've a friend who runs a group home. He works the streets in the toughest area of one of Canada's largest cities. He is presently heading up a small group of believers, newer and older, including some seminarians, who are addicted to pornography and homosexuality Comments?

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