cd: No need to apologize to me Judy- but I do understand- You were the one who taught me the problem with this rule. Sorry that I could not help you guys more in my Mod. job. Know that I tried.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 3/13/2006 10:58:39 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] TruthTalk re: continued comments under "Moderator"

Me too?  Sorry brother Dean. I did just what you say below which is "hit send" without checking the subject line
No evil intent, just not paying enough attention.
On Mon, 13 Mar 2006 06:40:28 -0500 "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
cd: Judy this is also a rule that does not work I have had member reply to Moderator post apologizing for replying to the moderator post. David decided to step in and assume my Job by making the statement to not reply to the Moderator.I have no problem with you doing so. I tried to support this rules but it is not working. We are to used to clicking the send button without looking at the subject line. I stopped supporting this rule about two weeks ago.
Oh, yeahsorry! Ill repost under this heading: Thanks Brother Dean. J iz



Why is Linda's compliment to Dean posted under the "++++Moderators Comment  +++"  heading  not once, but twice?   Have the rules changed on this.   I know the owner of the List,  David Miller  (Beverly Hills , Florida) complained about this very thing yesterday,  I believe. 



With nearly ever post, Dean,   I am looking forward to our debate with increasing enthusiasm.   I am thinking David,  if he would take time, could be the "rules master"  (if you will).


My question, above remains.  Also,   I am at a loss for the complaint against DH.















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