Someone uses  liar, Satan's messenger boy and worthless dog and you worry about "Ozark."    Get a life. 
-------------- Original message --------------
From: Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

And the attacks onDeans intelligence continue.
Deliverance - Lance Ozarks - JD etc.
BUT I am sure this is NOT ADHOM!

Easy to call a man a liar and a worthless dog when you hide somewhere near the Ozarks, isn't it.     The fact of the matter is that I was straight up with you and you have been anything but that with me.  
The "calf" question, Carroll,  who did you ask.   The fact is that you and those of your ilk have run and hide from so many questions over the past year that we have lost count.  
You cannot hang with a real  discussion so you go with "worthless dog,"  "liar," and "Satan's messenger boys" and pretend that you were betrayed by Miller and backstabbed by who knows who.    Just cannot accept personal responsiblity at  all.  And David knows you personally  !!!   Your stay as SPing moderator is clear evidence of the importance of keeping folks like you out of serious leadership.  We see what fundamental Islam is like.  I see little difference in your administration.    At one time,  not too long agao in fact,   I was perfectly willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.   I was wrong.  
You will get the last word , on this public forum,  Dean.   Sense we are self-moderatored, for the time being,  well,  it would be best if I make this my last response  .......  you have my e-mail address and my phone number. 
I am in full agreement with Lance.   You are a walking time-bomb.  But this was not a secret, even before David appointed you.    I do think David was thinking something good just might come of your appointment  --   but your appointment to any similar position of leadership is a head-scratcher for sure. 
-------------- Original message --------------
From: "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cd: No, it was not honest. But then again since when did this dancing brotherhood ever worry about honesty-or truth-or The Truth? They are a fine testimony for their group thinking religion-which they claim is ongoing revelation given by the decision of the majority of the group. They claim to decide if God is Male / Female or whatever- I asked them : What if the majority decided that God is a calf and to date have gotten no reply to this question..
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 3/14/2006 11:58:47 AM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] The dearly departed

So why did jd inquire of you about them? Was that honest??? iz 
On Mon, 13 Mar 2006 20:22:45 -0500 "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
cd; They have been in contact with Miller - Blain, DH ,John, Gary- and believe it or not Glen tabor.All in one group e-Mail-of which I seem to be the topic.
Why dont you contact them directly? You have their email addresses, as do the rest of us. iz

By the way  --  are we allowed to ask as to the status of Gary and DH?   They are missed on this forum by some.  

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